General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is Earth Spirit considered good?

Why is Earth Spirit considered good? in General Discussion

    Hey guys,
    I've thought about starting to spam earth spirit. But I don't understand why people say he is so good (in the right hands). It seems like he is a great laner and a excellent chaser. but I think he falls off as soon the first enemy buys an bkb. That's also why I'd like to spam him, in sub 1k people usually don't use items. And even if one does use bkb there are still 4 more people to rek.


      hes not, hes the super annoying kind but not a game winer


        if u dont completely rape the shit out of enemy team before they can afford bkbs ur horrible es

        but yeah once they get bkb's ur kinda fucked partialy


          i feel like an earth spirit could outplay an opponent until he makes the enemy lose the game.


            es counters more or less every hero, hes incredibly good in early rotation, very hard to kill, incredibly mobile, rather fat, can initiate in weird and unexpected ways, similarly save his teammates, etc.


              i dont get that ether... i never have problem owning him and i never see him snowballing out of control,,,,i dont understand why people consider him a good snowballing hero


                sorry, i dont mean i discriminate people by this factor, but what's ur mmr? Personally never seen good es that was under 4.5k, so it can be the explanation.
                In general, the higher it is, the more dangerous es players become in comparison to others.


                  yeah i thought so, he is prob much better at higher skill level like you say


                    @triplesteal any tips to make a dangerous es?


                      i got tips, but i didnt follow them myself, and the only times i pick es is when playing not ranked games for some other reason, and it happens rarely. Mb I am an unreliable source then.

                      well, it requires kinda lots of practice in the first place. Most of his skills can be used in different ways, u also need to learn to throw stone remnants the right way; its not that easy. (edit: i mean not just hitting not moving target; some more advanced skill is required - u should know exactly the range and AoE of stun, the vision that stones give u, etc.)
                      also, es' greatest power is his ability to gank, so you should roam as much as possible, whatever the role u play is (off, mb mid, or even supp sometimes).
                      es is one of the heroes that requires watching some guides in order to get to know how to play it. Personally, I would recommend y0nd as one of the succesfull es players.
                      for es itembuild, there was another thread recently, i guess u saw it. if not, u can find it on the first page of forum topics, i guess.

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                        is it possible for you to link to his profile?


                          despite being displayed as diamond8 in es top, hes shifting around 7.5k, afair



                            this nub is pretty good on ebola


                              Other than the obvious reasons, earth spirit with agh scepter wrecks even heroes with bkb. All you need is vision, blink -> turn enemy into stone -> kick enemy into your own team. Voila. Most of the time with or without bkb the enemy hero should die. Then proceed to taking objectives or teamfiget 4v5. I'm not exactly 4.5k but find this hero too strong lol. There's so many things that needs to be nerfed haha.

                              < blank >

                                Go watch sum gameplay from jerax, u nub


                                  Well, we dont see es in cm so far, so major upcoming nerfes are possible, but I guess es wont really stomp competitive dota scene as good teamplay counters him. Hes barely same type of pub stomper as meepo.

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    He reminds me of axe. He doesn't exactly fall off a cliff late game, is still quite useful, but his strengths are early/mid game ganking and you really want your carries to make use of that space or it will be tough late.


                                      this is what will happen if earthspirit gets into cm without any current changes. He will be either first ban or first pick. Just because you can pick him first for you team without revealing your strat. Besides that, picking earth spirit first isn't like picking broodmother first. He doesn't have any specific counters that you're afraid of. Earth spirit can easily go offlane or support/rroam. I find that most people think that earth spirit sucks late game and that if you don't snowball with him then you fail with ES. I find that not true at all. It's much harder to snowball as a support yet some top ES players out there play him as a support. The reason why he is so good is because of his long range stun and his pull. Changing hero position is op as shit. It's almost like vengeful spirit ulti to save your teammate without any repercussion (aan example). Yeah so I feel like it doesn't matter if he isn't stomping the game. He still has many usefulness.


                                        I agree with all ur points, but taking all listed into account I still consider he wont be default-picked in competitive dota; there exists a huge difference between how useful different heros are in pro scene and in pubs, and in my opinion es is mostly pub hero.


                                          hmm what do you think makes a hero a pro hero than a pub hero then?


                                            the way its success depends on enemy team's teamplay.
                                            in general, its more about just my intuition, that can fail me; i dont insist on my opinion.



                                              Haha we will never know anyway. ES won't be put into cm anytime soon.

                                              Side topic: I read somewhere that you say you play offlane? Is your top most played hero your usual go for offlane? O.o I play offlane too but as you can see its the standard shit haha :(


                                                Nah, my most picked heroes are not rly representative except timber. And actually I'm not a rlly decent offlaner since my pool barely covers half of the heroes it should, meh. I can't force myself to train to play heroes I do not like at the moment, unfortunatly.


                                                  becuase in 5 months I was 3.5k , now i'm 5k


                                                    god dammit

                                                    I need to learn to play a broken hero like ES or meepo.


                                                      lol efextoide. spamming the spirit brothers i see :)

                                                      Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                        Bottom line earth spirit your probably offlane and if you can space the earth out then you probably win game as his ult doesn't mean much late.

                                                        Side note if he hits 6 you need to be cautious this is an earth spirit snow ball window.

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                                                          es is good cos he can double / triple kill as offlaner the whole safelane which just shifts over the whole game
                                                          as a particular reason to why hes great
                                                          unless enemy is jug then ur fucked

                                                          Greygrey the Sailor

                                                            BECAUSE HE THROWS ROCKS

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                                                              I used to play him as offlaner, few times mid

                                                              on high brackets u can play it as support (4) , playing on the 5 role u just lost all the potential.
                                                              At lvl 2 u have stun+slow, so u need to be agresive, ganking mid after killing the off ,etc
                                                              with a bottle u shouldn't have mana problems (don't buy boots and get bottle instead), urn is good too
                                                              If u didn't won at min 25 max, ur carry should be farmed thanks to the space u did

                                                              last 50 games playing as supp