General Discussion

General DiscussionMy team right now

My team right now in General Discussion
Greygrey the Sailor

    During the picking phase.

    ME:"I don't know why peruvians would queue in us east... the peru server works fine"
    ME:"Plus the team wont have communication"
    XxShadowxX"This is solo queue"
    XxShadowxX"We don't need to play as a team"




      casual gamer

        u dont need your team to play ti5 to win in normal skill, just try hard instead of whining

        Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

          ayy roflmao

          Dire Wolf

            My guess is since all the peruvians queue us and no one else in their right minds would queue peru the wait times are long cus no one queues it or you end up playing all the same people again and again.

            Perus aren't really any worse than other us players, it's just annoying cus they will talk shit in spanish or whatever and it's extremely irritating.


              ¿por ke todos odian tanto a los pobres peruvianos ke no han hecho ni menor daño a los demás?
              vale, ya veo ke no puedo hacer nada excepto rendirme e ir a comer tacos. adiós y buena sierte, joputas.

              Greygrey the Sailor

                ^Tacos are awesome I agree

                Here is the problem, it is a chain reaction of the great fall of the peruvian servers, listen up it is story time.

                One day a while back, the peruvian server went down because of high lag. This caused the players to move into the US east and US west servers. Because those servers had a higher population (US players, canadian players, peruvian players) the match waiting times were lower. This was great but horrible for 2 reasons, it was great because matches were quicker and you had more diversity in play style. However, it was horrible because players couldn't understand eachother, now the games queued MUCH quicker than peruvian servers because by default peruvian players would queue here.

                Now here is the big problem, because games queued faster in US east and US west more peruvians came to these servers, because more peruvians left the match making times in peruvian servers became longer, which meant more peruvians queued in US east and US west, which meant more left the peruvian servers, which increased match making times. Do you see what i'm getting at? The reason why there are so many non-english speakers in the US east and US west servers is because their servers were drained dry of players. How are we going to fix this and get back our good fair languaged servers?

                Well, we have to queue in peru..... We need to radically increase match making time by using a mass joining of the peru server so that all the peruvians will slowly drain back into their own server, then and only then, can we have a game with 10 people that can speak the same language.

                Greygrey the Sailor



                    the shadow guy is correct actually

                    casual gamer

                      at the end of the day how often do you communicate beyond pings and simple phrases like "deward, smoke, we gank mid, build BKB" anyway

                      its really not that big of a deal

                      Greygrey the Sailor

                        When you are playing captains mode or coordinating picks... it is a big deal JDF8

                        or telling someone, something 'complicated like' use your stun on troll warlord as soon as I pop my ulti on roshan pit.

                        casual gamer

                          looks like you're a meepo picker, you could just blink poof and rape his entire team idk what the problem is

                          Infinite Ominous Guarantees

                            Why would you even bother saying something like that during the picking phase? You're literally doing nothing for your team other than possibly antagonizing people. I would rather play with 4 Peruvians than someone who opens the game with comments like that.

                            Greygrey the Sailor

                              That was after him calling me an american swine for suggesting to play meepo...

                              Excuse you..

                              Este comentário foi editado
                              Infinite Ominous Guarantees

                                Just mute and don't respond.
                                Communication with randoms should always be positive, and if they are instigating then you should just mute them and move on.


                                  " XxShadowxX "

                                  stoped reading

                                  Infinite Ominous Guarantees

                                    Or alternatively you could just start playing a star spangled banner dubsteb remix over the mic and pick meepo.


                                      Peruvian here. Peru servers seem to be hosted in two different places, one of which is faulty, so it gives random spikes of lag and periods of delay ingame. So, even if you are a peruvian, you have a 50% chance to enter the faulty server and play worse than when queueing in US servers.

                                      Also, 90% of players queue All pick, where nothing more than pinging and chat wheel messages are enough if players have a clue of what they do.

                                      And hey, when I see 10 players speaking the same language and are not in a competitive environement, they flame each other even harder, because they can understand all the insults!

                                      Greygrey the Sailor

                                        ^Well then why don't we just tell valve to fix that faulty server in peru rather than trying to create more space on the US servers?

                                        That would actually fix the problem..




                                            haha noob OP
                                            queue US east, spanish only, for free wins
                                            -500 mmr all 9 other players

                                            Greygrey the Sailor

                                              +Rep Jp.gs4 ^^^^^ this got me 7k in 2 hours


                                                hey works for me haha. no lie. i dont play those 1v9 type heroes a lot but i think that trick would honestly work well for someone who does


                                                  All i can say is: Viva la Peru rofl :D




                                                      Pedro from Peru disapproves of this !

                                                      Greygrey the Sailor

                                                        Well i've been hearing a lot from you guys, over messaging so I will make a short PSA.

                                                        I do not have peruvians.. it just bugs me when they come on the server, don't listen when we are doing something as a team, and then say stupid stuff like this. Thank you for your time


                                                          Donde esta la biblioteca ?

                                                          Mortimer Smith

                                                            ay la vaca flaca