General Discussion

General Discussionmy dota 2 youtube channel...

my dota 2 youtube channel... in General Discussion

    have nothing to do so i thought maybe some ''pro''/pro players here can watch or maybe suggest how to improve videos or maybe note some mistakes. Maybe make some suggestions overall..


      I don't pretend to be pro but here is my $0.10

      If you are going to post videos there should be some point to them. They should be funny or show some particularly skillful play or have a narrative to them. I didn't look through your whole channel, so this is based on only a few short clips that I did watch, but it really just looked like you were trying to show off.

      No one wants to watch an super farmed troll get a rampage on players who pop out of their fountain one at a time to feed him. If your going to try to make that type of clip it needs to be in a close(ish) fight that was won by skillful plays.

      you also had a bunch of clips where you almost died. these you might be able to do something with, but you would have to find a way to put a bit more humor into them. Someone narrowly escaping from crazy chases where his pursuers slowly die to towers, creeps and his team really has potential to be popular, but you aren't doing it exactly right at the moment.

        Greygrey the Sailor

          So here are my thoughts

          you post a ton of videos, we see that.

          Rather than posting that many, condense like 3-4 of them into one video, add some effects, put in an intro and an outro, and there you go 10,000,000 subs


            @number 12

            thanks. I managed to fix my >20fps 720p old recording stuff with better software. But cant say the same about editing - old programs would fuck up my audio out of sync.. i guess i will have to try sony vegas and see if that works for me. 20th or 21st rampage should have some editing in (tried it for 1st time); i made long video out of many fights.

            And while ot may look like all my rampages were roflstomps; it was not. On some videos i even showcase bad sirtuations or how i got to that 700-950 gpm. Sometimes score are even or we are 2 rax down. I just abuse enemy mistakes since most of the time my team is either bad or blind and i siphon >70% or so farm into myself. And i fight like 70% of the whole team. Like last rampage. I was only one above enemy team in gpm; in video before 23rd you can see how we are losing rax and scores are even at 26min...

            i found voice bot; i think i might use that in the future for narations...

            As for showing off - last forum never believed how many rampages i do; so i decided to start uploading them; mostly troll rampages. Troll had most rampages on me; few times more than other carries of mine...


            intro. Huh. Never thought of that. Sadly i had just started learning 3d max :/