General Discussion

General Discussionnew earth spirit build needed

new earth spirit build needed in General Discussion

    Hi guys. I was 4600 mmr solo but I recently had a massive drop to 4400. After this drop I have now decided to ask for items and new strategies for my main hero earth spirit which even after over 1k games i still want to experiment new builds with him. My regular strategy is mid. My strength at mid is my ability to control runes and use fast tp responses for ganks from roamers. I feel my downside is my farming. I cant seem to farm. This is not due to my mechanical skill but my mentality playing earth spirit to always be on the lookout for potential ganks or tp responses. My build is always bottle > brown boots > wand (from early 3 branches) > mechanism as core items. pipe and crismon build situationally and sheepstick and ac i build as luxury. Many earth spirits go blink, but I am trying to figure out how exactly to use the blink in in colaboration with earth spirits abilities so it would be nice if someone could shed some light on it before I risk it in ranked. I have been known to hoard tps and constantly check that all supports at least hold a tp for a tp response to potential ganks. I also am known to hoard smoke of deceits. ( lots of gold waste on this ) I always gank at level 6 if their mid is playing too passive or I gank based on the rune I am given.


      all my es skills belong to purely theoretical field, but
      i heard y0nd and some other top es players saying es is better at offlane/supp role than in mid, mb u could try that
      also mek is quite a weird item choice
      typical es for me is boots -> bottle ->force/blink -> veil -> shiva -> BoT


        euls is an ok item too :P idk i only have like 50 games with es.
        my es skill level is mediocre but i tend to go like utility items like necrobook, urn, euls, mobility items... etc

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          idk, check my builds, ~4500.
          for offlane i go stout shield + salve+tango+branches and try to get some last hits for asap bottle if the lane is not too hard, after that boots, wand, urn, pt, dagger (but if you can somehow get a early dagger, get it fast) and with dagger you can just kill most heroes solo and also initiate ez. after that its optional : euls, force, dagon, cuirass, shiva, aghs, veil (only if you have another high magic dps in your team), bkb, you can also get drums i guess.

          for a support late game items are same, but starting is cour/ward, 3000 tangoes (for mid, for u), salve, clarity, branches.
          you can skip bottle if there are too many on ur team i guess, also arcanes is better than pt on support for obvious reasons.


            just wondering, how you're not top 100 earth spirit with that many games played on ES when you're 4.6k mmr? Damn if you're not even top 100 I dont think I should even try hahah =.=

            bum farto

              TIL 200 mmr drop is massive.


                @flyingpiggies, there are way too many pros and very high mmr players playing on es, so 4600 is not that much.
                on the other hand if you take vengeful spirit, i think with like 200 games and 4k mmr you could be in top 100.


                  Try aghs maybe- opens up lots of fun possibilities


                    how can you not buy dagger on es ?
                    dagger pt urn agha/hex

                    HKNST (mode: Kahvipannu :-))


                      Greygrey the Sailor

                        Build skaadi, heart and dust of appearance
                        This alone got me to 9k


                          it says im 99% according to dotabuff plus with a score of 5300 and platinum 8. I notice some heroes only requires 4900 to be in top 100 but earth spirit requires 5600 points.


                            cuz theres alot of frags spamming that broken shit due them being bad and only with that hero wining pubs


                              What? You're Plat 8?? Does mmr not correlate with dotabuff division? I've got a friend who's 4.2k mmr and in diamond 3...

                              Pom Pom 🍕

                                ^It lowers when stacking with players in lower divisions.


                                  how to fuck can u win with es for fuck sake holy gaben help me


                                    @afk farmers = defeat
                                    if you have 5300 being in platinum division, u gonna gain really a lot when your division upgrades.
                                    from my own experience, it always occurs kinda fast and its absolutely unpredictable. Afair, i was moved from Diamond 8 (where i was stacked for several weeks since I first got to top100 on timbersaw) to Diamond 10 in one day, when i actually played 3-5 (3 wins/5 losses) in parties with average mmr of 4.5k. This increase in divisions gave me something like 100-125 additional points, and you have much greater possibilities to advance in divisions.


                                      id say a good 33% of my games were played in 2k mmr (I calibrated 2.7) this could be a reason why im only plat?


                                        ye, sure. division measures the difficulty u faced on average in all of ur games, so if u started under 3k, it will take time for you to get to diamond.


                                          Ok dagon 5, get it before 20 minutes. Game is won. Just tried it works kappa :3