General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Slardar a hard carry?

Is Slardar a hard carry? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I last picked a safe lane carry, was debating sven vs slardar but thought we already has es to counter pl so I went slardar to counter riki. After we lost the game the enemy team started taunting us for putting slardar safe lane and calling it stupid. Of course I disagree, slardar does fantastic dmg with bash and amp damage. Of course he works great as a 2 or 3 spot too since anyone can use the amp dmg, but he hits hard, I thought 1 spot would be fine.

    I feel like we lost cus slark dove a billion times that game and the rest of our team was countered pretty heavily by smoke cloud, dp silence and doom. Really hard for us to control fights. But my farm wasn't that great. Maybe I should've gone ac sooner over satanic? Or just picked something else for safe lane? I went satanic so I could survive a fight with pl and bash the rest of his team to death but it didn't work late.




        hard is the key word there people will contest.

        he is a core carry, but his timinng windows have an end.

        Hard carries are generally considered carries who don't have an "end window" when compared to other heroes, like dusa or AM or PA.


          He is the definition of an average position 2.

          He should always be the position 3 in my opinion.

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            In high skill, everyone could be used as a hard carry.

            Dire Wolf

              Why does his window end? His bash means he just gets stronger with more IAS items. Late game with ac, heart/satanic he will wreck a lot of carries in a man fight.

              My arguments against him are he's nearly as effective in a 2 or 3 role cus everyone gets his debuff amp dmg and he doesn't have any flash farm potential. He won't out farm a good jug or troll or sniper. But that's it. Given equal items he can wreck a lot of those guys.

              I still don't feel he was an awful pick that game either way cus we already had a slark and storm. Slark chose to go offlane on his own before any other picks.


                Everything is a carry, if u are brave enough


                  He isn't even a carry in first place...


                    Hes like most strength carries, farming potential is shit but ganking is huge. Snowball and you become a truck. His stat gains are very good, get bkb blink satanic ac and im pretty sure he can manfight most agi carry in 1v1.

                    whiskey waters

                      slardar is not even a hero.
                      a bash that never procs, even tho it says 25%
                      an aoe stun that deals 0dmg
                      and a spell who gives u speed for more dmg, just like mom without the 20% lifesteal +as. .
                      +shitty stats

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                      Dire Wolf

                        "He isn't even a carry in first place..."

                        why not?


                          he's more of a tank than a carry.

                          Consider lesh, slardar is the same but a strength hero


                            what does leshrac have to do with anything....


                              you go position 1 lesh and he's not a carry, you pick him for push

                              same for slardar but for controlling the game (fast dagger)

                              edit: srsly concede try not to transform into a troll like the other fuckers and think about what i say and why i say it...

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                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                id say he is better support then hard carry


                                  only my dick gets hard


                                    ...when u think about slardar?


                                      carry can carry games, slardar cann't carry a game, thus he isn't a carry.



                                        Dire Wolf

                                          "carry can carry games, slardar cann't carry a game, thus he isn't a carry."

                                          Jesus dude if you don't want to explain why post at all? One liner about he can't carry is no explanation of why.

                                          Why can slardar not carry games? He bashes and does a shitload of dmg, has an aoe stun, is mobile. Give me specifics like he doesn't do enough tower dmg later, he has no flash farm, anything, but just saying he can't carry games is so vague.

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                                            The issue with Slardar being the role 1 is that...

                                            A) He has no ability to quickly clear camps, especially stacked camps.
                                            B) He doesn't really have 4 abilities if he's playing as the role 1. His Q becomes a liability.
                                            C) Virtually every single other potential role 1 is flat out better than him.

                                            He's perfectly viable in a role 1 lower mmr games, where supports don't stack camps and you have virtually all day to free farm and other people can't use their role 1 to their farming potential. In higher mmr where these things are true, it's not hard for him to fall an item or more behind the other team's role 1. He's pretty alright as a role 2 but he's at home in the role 3 position.

                                            Sup m8

                                              I often use slardar SB build which effectively turns him into a carry. He can man fight pretty much anyone and with sb can burst down any squishy hero with ease.




                                                  It all depends on what team he's going to be on. If he needs the most farm out of everyone on your team, you might as well call him your carry. He's just not very highly pickable at the moment. He's kind of a countercarry to certain carries and you don't need to 1 him even if you can.

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    Ok thanks for detailed explanation. Tough to know when to pick him other than when enemy has riki or bh.


                                                      I agree with Kryptnyt, hes kinda like bristleback in this meta, hes a tank that cripple and counter carrys. I just think BB is just way more viable since hes as fast or even faster than slardar with a few ult stack and SnY and hes way tankier.

                                                      Pom Pom 🍕

                                                        The only thing he has uniquely for himself that scales with items is his bash. Damage amp will work for your entire team. It's not like PA crits+phantom strike, illusion abilities and medusa mana shield+split shot that will only get significantly stronger if themselves
                                                        get farmed.

                                                        A 6-slotted PA hitting a damage amp target will do a lot more than a 6-slotted slardar hitting a damage amp target. His bash does not give that much dps.

                                                        He scales more by levels than farm. A high level slardar will often beat a superiorly farmed carry until late game (unless they purge his damage amp with manta or something, then he won't do much damage).


                                                          Slardar is an initator, thus not a carry.

                                                          He can carry games given the right opportunity, however he is outclassed and scaled by an regular carry hero.