General Discussion

General Discussion5 minute games on distant servers

5 minute games on distant servers in General Discussion

    So I was just randomly looking through some DOTABUFF stats of players that I played with in game, and this interesting guy popped up.

    His matches are very interesting. He plays normally on the SEA region, but some of his games he played in far away servers like Peru, India, Dubai... and all of this matches don't last beyond 7 minutes? (5 minute game) (5 minute game, but this guy has 17-0-0 KDA) (5 minute game, this guy has 13-0-0 KDA)

    There's also a high amount of no-stat recorded games when he plays on these far-away servers.

    Is this some weird strategy to get more wins or is this guy performing some kind of hack on the other servers so that he always win within 5 minutes? The data is kind of off-tangent though - he doesn't win every game, sometimes he loses, and sometimes its not recorded but no matter what they all last below 7 minutes. I'm not sure about what you guys think, but I think multiple games lasting for around 5 minutes in length sounds pretty suspicious and fishy, especially when they are all on foreign servers (this guy has normal length games on SEA servers only)


      If I had to guess I would say that he's got 2 stacks of 5, searching for games in areas where it's like 4am.

      Then one side intentionally wins / loses games in order to get ez 3 predictions for "Charm of the Crucible Jewel" for everyone involved

      edit: There are some of the same people in each match, sometimes on his team and sometimes on the other team. Also he seems to win about half of those 5 minute games.

      Este comentário foi editado

        Ah, that clears a lot of things up. A server exploit for the prediction charm explains most of it. Thanks!


          I watched the match, and they literally just tped mid and fed them selves, and couriers to radiant. Hmm.... and they all talked to each other casually.