General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's with the increased drop rate

What's with the increased drop rate in General Discussion

    Alright, I should stop spamming I guess, last question.

    I've had a recent break from Dota, only came back a month ago for a game or two and had another month of inactivity. During the last couple of days I've been playing a lot and I see a huge amount of mythical and legendary drops in the game.

    Funny thing is that it's usually the team that's losing that receives such a drop. During the weekend only I saw like 2 Mythical Mirana mounts, 1 Legendary ( I think ) Disruptor mount and 1 for Luna too.

    Is it because of the Year Beast event (I'm playing normal games only) that such great drops are occurring or did Valve change their drop chance?


      They changed it.

      Fucking the economy yet again.


        Valve greatly incresed the drop chance of single items in a recent patch.


          you cant trade them, so essentially they are worth nothing.


            I see, thanks, guys :)

            I'm fine with those items being untradable, my inventory is full of commons, getting a nice item as a drop would be enough to make me happy, too bad I get nothing :(


              Bullshit system at least you could sell it if you were not interested in hats.. now instant delete, my inventory is empty

              Mortimer Smith

                you are so cool bro! i can't imagine how can you live being so superior

                What a B A D B O Y !

                can u fuck my anuz pleez


                  fakovnik high skill balla


                    I know, right?