General Discussion

General DiscussionSetting MMR should change

Setting MMR should change in General Discussion

    when you are new to Dota 2 you of course want to explore everything, for example the ranked matchmaking and when you explored it you of course will get a bad MMR, so far so logical. but after a while of Dota 2 playing you will get better and want to also play with better people so you will struggle to get higher, but simply when you start with a bad MMR you cannot get higher because with the people you are playing you simply cannot do shit because they are new like you where, so if Dota 2 should just make a system that in once in a while you need to play some games to get your MMR higher or at least at the point where you should be, this would make allot more sense since i know allot of people having struggle with this and for example cannot get out the 2k mmr which i have beens tuck in for like 700 games already around 2.5k and 3k

    casual gamer

      IDK if youre better than ur ranking matches will just be super ez 'til you rise to your real MMR

      So lets say im a noob. I calibrate at 1600 MMR and stop playing ranked for a year. My skill level rises to VHS (3800 mmr ish). All this means is that I have 2200/25 88 easy games until I get my real mmr.

      If you think its harder to win at lower mmr you're a special kind of retard


        yea one league of legends system would be nice


          im 8k then, coz i play like retard and still win.


            if u become better u cant really struggle to get higher mmr..

            at least on dota... bad mmr players are just too bad
            if u are getting better than them u should just climb above them ez

            if u cant do that then u just not improved enough yet.
            keep playing


              You absolutely can climb over time if you actually are better. If you are better than the people in your game on average you should win, even if your support are garbage, their supports are equally garbage.

              HOWEVER, you really should be able to recalibrate, or your MMR gain/loss should become uncertain again if your patterns change. I just don't have the heart to grind out 250 games to fix my MMR. I've played too much IXDL and with high mmr stacks/smurfs/etc.

              @ Road to 2K .. It doesn't work like that. The closer you get to your MMR the slower you will win.

              Lets say you are 5k player. You should be near 100% in 1-2k games. When you get to 3k you'll probably be more like 70%. Then at 4k you'll be 60%, then and then at 4.5 be like 55%, then 4.9 be like 52%, etc.

              This is assuming this player is perfectly calibrated at 5.0k

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                well played boi^

                Mortimer Smith

                  Lets say you are a 5k player and you want to play with your 5k teammates, you should be near 100% in 1k games. When you reach 3k YOU PLAYED 80-90 games to win +2000mmr you are tired and make a smurf to get better mmr.

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                    Well I calibrated at like 2700 MMR due to not having played the game in ages, since I had been playing Street Fighter IV. After a bit of practice though, I've now moved to 3400 MMR within a month, so it's not hard at all. I've maintained about a 70% win rate this month. Granted I only select from a pool of about 4 heroes and mainly play viper mid, but I would imagine anyone could do the same. I expect once I get to 4000 MMR, I'll start to slow-down, but I'll wait and see.

                    Some games are unwinnable of course, but you need to understand the probability concept of "Expected Value" (EV) . This is a concept used by professional poker players that know that they will ultimately win in the long-term if they make the right plays, even if they will lose in the short-term due to variance beyond their control. So for example, if I make all the right decisions, I am favored to win the game (+EV). However, I may still lose some games due to variance, ally error etc. In the long-term however, I am favored to win since I make the right decisions. Also, if I lose, I must analyze why. What did I do wrong? These errors that you are most likely unaware you are making are -EV (negative expected value) and hurt your MMR. You shouldn't just automatically blame your allies. This is how you can increase your EV and thus your MMR.

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                      That's my point. It takes too bloody long to manually re-calibrate your MMR in the current system, all the while you're playing with retard down's syndrome on your team and it gets tiring and taxing on my temper.

                      I was just pointing out that it's not 80-90 games, it's more like 100-400 because the closer you get to your true MMR the slower you will win.

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                        I think the solution somebody posted that you can re calibrate like once every year should be considered... with an option to mantain the old mmr or get the new one. I mean, I don't see how that could break games or even be a bad thing at all. Also if somebody picks let's say Zeus to get higher mmr with kda and stuff like that you could always implement a filter, doesn't seem that difficult, could ease all the people crying about their mmr and teammates (I also cry about teammates, nothing you can do sometimes, others I'm the one who plays like shit).


                          If they get the choice, all that does is inflate MMR.

                          If they add that option, you get your new MMR, good or bad.

                          As for Zeus, just compare damage/etc. to other players on the same hero. Getting 900 GPM on Meepo isn't as impressive as getting 900 GPM on say, Chaos Knight.

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                            ^ well said, I know what it feels like, cos I calibrated when I hit level 13 (I've been playing since October last year) and now I feel like I've learnt so much since then, and I started playing support role, and wasn't as good as I should, but I picked up a lot of game mechanics. I know there's still so much, but only in the matches I play, you can see that half the team feeds, and no co-ordination. I played a 4man stack last night (my fist HS match) and didn't do bad! I didn't feed, and got the items I should have, initiated at crucial times, but was cautious and team other team focused on me, so I think I did well. However, re-calibrating would only make the system more legit, and stop the moaning. plus its exciting to calibrate and see what you get.


                              Agreed with the recalibration system


                                If we'd be allowed to re-calibrate, I'd recalibrate as low as possible. 1k mmr games are quite fun when your actual mmr is way higher.

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                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                  too much reading this thread, not even going to try too lazzy

                                  Mortimer Smith
