General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is win ad why i cannot win? [BLAME ME]

What is win ad why i cannot win? [BLAME ME] in General Discussion
Mortimer Smith
    I did 0 tower dmg
    throwed hard
    I dont know what i did bad
    I can't deal with it

    -2000 mmr this week wtf i can do for win?




        things u should have done in order to win:

        1) cancer rat push antimage
        2) cancer rat push antimage
        3) not much u could do with that feed and abandon on ur team
        4) their picks > ur picks

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        Mortimer Smith

          1) i cant doom allways come to me with ogre for kill me when tryed to split push 4/5 deaths were this way

          2) i was stupid i could winned it

          3) and 4), i dont want to blame teammates but they were too stupids

          Four games i was blamed as shit, if you have true sight you can see it a wrlok 0-11 blaming me cause "our main carry sucks and i have to paly support"

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            use manta push waves while farming near and split rat when u see doom anywere u dont really afraid any other heroes than doom at this game well i didnt watch replay i just generally talk :D yeah rest games are weird