General Discussion

General DiscussionCM arcana is illuminati funding

CM arcana is illuminati funding in General Discussion
Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

    Not my post but found it on the steam dota 2 discussion page:

    Why waste precious cash on virtual gay trash instead of investing in charity, giving to the poor and saving up?

    Este tópico foi editado

      cuz u get nothing by donating to charity

      and by buying arcana u get points for beast event ?


        because poor ppl dont give nothing to me, so why would i give them something? valve at least make me rage and frustrated with ranked mmr


          TRUE LOL!


            Economic growth keeps more people fed than straight charity. Sad fact of life that the guy who they based the wolf of wall street on did more for the world than mother Theresa ever did

            Rand Paul 2016


              Think about all the money you spent in the last month. Consider that every 5$ investment in vaccination in Africa saves 1 human life, as far as I remember the data I saw about a year ago. What share of your spendings was more useful than that? Probably none. Same for me, but I dont give a shit and do not create pathetic threads.