General Discussion

General Discussion5300 is elo hell, rly

5300 is elo hell, rly in General Discussion

    its fucking sad, since i hit 5300, iam just playing with fucking 4,5k trash shitters.

    back when i was 5k, i always had 5k matches, now iam stuck with this cancer shit

    this game is rly no fun anymore. i like how valves force player to play cm only, why not remove matchmaking and only allow lobby cm games.


      if u become 9k mm u play vs 2k mm kappa


        Cuz Valve hates you. Nobody else, just you.


          ehh ive been ranging from 5300 to 5700 for a while now ;/ ur gonna get 4.5k games 8/10 games


            i play US though..


              next game with 4,5k trash yeahhhh


                dude I play in south america, it's almost impossible to have a game with less than 7 4ks


                  yeah but thats south afriva, iam playing eu west.

                  i mean where is the point for me to continue playing ranked? there is no point. i will get matches with 4ks forever. even if i reach 6k, and then? gonna get flat 4k trash? so sad


                    Don't any of these 5k++ players consider the possibility that they're owning BECAUSE they're matching against people who have lower mmr than them?


                      its usually u dominate lane hard but the other lanes feed so hard that they cant be carried


                        All you have to do is win at least two lanes by yourself!


                          playing with 5k against 5ks is actually way more easy than playing with 4ks. i win nearly every game i have 8+ 5k players.


                          just look the first screen there

                          700gpm, but cant carry 4 feeder

                          when your 4 mates have 50 deaths together at 40mins, u cant carry that, even if u are 8k mmr.

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                              6k- rly have to stop fuckin act like they are any better than 4ks.


                                but 4k = most cancerous / egotistical


                                  u can try to play on other servers, EU in the first place, cz this is where most 5k+ ppl play. as long as ur ping there is not 200-300+, ofc.


                                    "4.5k trash shitters"

                                    Honestly, it sounds to me like you have just reached the point where you can no longer have fun with DotA. I mean, it is a game after all and this is your second thread complaining about it in 2 days. I dont even think you will be happy with a full team of other 5 k's, because shit happens and people make mistakes at all levels of the skill bracket. You will always find someone or something to blame when things dont go your way.

                                    But you know, dont mind me. I'm just a normal skill bracket shark shit trash with a 5th of your play time.


                                      +1 to Dominius response

                                      Giff me Wingman

                                        i mean where is the point for me to continue playing ranked? there is no point. i will get matches with 4ks forever. even if i reach 6k, and then? gonna get flat 4k trash? so sad

                                        EXACLY, that's why i stopped at 6k flat. There was literally no point for me to continue playing solo ranked since games where not anymore about 2 even teams going at each other, but more like 1 guy tries to carry they shittrash team to victory.


                                          xaaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa <3


                                            You guys are so full of yourself.

                                            Go watch Waga stream.
                                            Go watch Dendi stream
                                            Go watch any pro players/+6k player stream

                                            The MAJORITY of games are 5k+, unless you're queuing on bad hours (night).

                                            I haven't seen 4ks in ages in soloq, owell. I did yesterday. 4 4300 on each team, but this was 1 oclock on a tuesday, which I queued during only cause I fucked up my schedule.

                                            Everyone sub 5,5k are terrible at Dota.
                                            When I go sub 5,5k it's because I'm either tilting or playing bad lately >Everyone sub 5,5k are bad.

                                            Everyone, can pick carry, learn how to farm and get to 5,5k. This is the point it gets hard, cause outfarming enemy isn't anymore all you need to do to win. (Something everyone above this rating should know, which is funny cause you don't do 5k blunt)

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                                              Blame the 4ks you get in your team when you're playing vs. terrible 4ks yourself. This is only a problem if you're playing several support heroes that rely on your team knowing wtf your spells allow them to do (Omniknight, Oracle, blablabla and several other heroes)

                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                5k is totally fine. The problem starts at 6k.

                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                  DD shittier player talking nonsense. It's true that you get 5k players at primetime EU but other than that you don't. Since i play early afternoon or late night i don't play with a lot of 5k's, hence unfun games. It can also happen you have 4k mates at primetime but that's like a 30% chance or so.

                                                  But DD sucks balls and noone cares what this brat has to say so WhO cArEs Xd


                                                    Can we discuss this over a skype cam conversation? Might aswell add me on snapchat so we can share some dickpics and see whos better looking.

                                                    You're nothing.

                                                    I mean you're bouncing between 4800 and 5100 mmr, 30% of these games are obviously 4k cause you are too.

                                                    2% of my games are with people sub 5k. I'm just lucky? :)))

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                                                      im currently watching w33's stream and he gets 3-4 4200 guys each game, lel.


                                                        Weekday, 11:42

                                                        You do realize most people go to school/work during this period? Same as most people sleep during night?
                                                        Go watch streams during normal period 1630-2330.

                                                        Complaining about ranked is so fucking bullshit when you get opponents of same caliber as your team-mates anyway.
                                                        YOU need to make the difference as the better player, your enemy, but one: is terrible.

                                                        And blunts 4k himself, 30% is an understatement.


                                                          Blunt, skype or wat?


                                                            DD, if u talked to me - i was at uni at this period. just had an hour-and-a-half of doing nothing between lectures. and btw its 14:00 in my country.
                                                            moreover, i disagree with the general complaint about "broken mmr" , apparently same as u do, - i consider it works in best possible way it could. try to be little bit less agressive, it kinda annoys.


                                                              Great we share the same opinion.

                                                              I'm sorry if I had an aggressive tone, but I'm supertired. My schedule is fucked up.
                                                              Also it's hard to know who is who on this forum as Blunt often uses smurfs to support himself.


                                                                I wish I had 4k in first place.. ._.

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                                                                Father Jack from Marketing

                                                                  People that excuse acting like a dick "because they are tired" really were born the wrong sex. Unless they are already women ofc

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                                                                      inflation is already happening in doto, the new 5k = 4k and they try to talk themselves up O_O


                                                                        i report everygame like 3 people

                                                                        and after every game i have my 3 reports back

                                                                        wp valve

                                                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                          I have 11 reports ready wtf


                                                                            no its not.

                                                                            Melis Ayça Şirinevler*

                                                                              why 4k players think roaming mirana is accetable

                                                                              Melis Ayça Şirinevler*

                                                                                or any jungling hero