General Discussion

General DiscussionWas there anything I could have done better to win this game?

Was there anything I could have done better to win this game? in General Discussion
vapour trail

    I mean it's the classic team feeding game but I'm sure there's probably something I could have done better

    milk that tastes like rea...

      i'm probably same/lower rating than you but itemisation wise i wouldn't have gone linkens, too easily broken by dagger, battle hunger and mana drain
      also would have left it at yasha and gone mkb before upgrading to manta, considering there's an axe, pa with bf and a lion which can instakill both illusions

      alternatively considering you were down from the start and theres a pa and sniper, might as well gone the mom rapier build, since i don't think the previous items i suggested would have made enough diff to be game winning

      King of Low Prio

        if you dont take any risks then the game will continue to go at the same pace. Dying once in a 40min stomp illustrates a selfish mentality and you where only 3rd in kill participation on your team. Taking more risks on matches that you are losing will not win you every one of them BUT it will win you a handful of matches that you would have lost with a safe passive mentality. Keep in mind that these suggestions are geared towards MM improvements rather than personal skill improvements.

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            not picking medusa in a pub would increase chance of winning by alot

            vapour trail

              Good points Destinii
              Ye Sampson I agree but don't you feel like dying 3 or 4 more times just for a couple more kills isn't worth it at all? Especially because you'll probably miss out on at least 40-50 creeps on top of that


                I think its the medusa pick coupled with the fact that most of the damage coming from your team's draft is magical.

                King of Low Prio


                  Dota is a team game and regardless of how good you might be you have to put some trust into your teammates to increase you MM. Is it safer to farm your jungle? Yes but if your teammates have poor map awareness forcing them into lanes/enemy jungle for farm is just asking for trouble. The way MM works is that you have to carry your team to rise or else you will just plateau at 50 50 win/loss. Even if you can increase your odds of winning from 50% to 51% you will increase your MM slowly


                    Your lineup was made up to lose late game , besides it was kinda squishy ( silencer/ET/visages => die very fast )
                    Picking centaur or axe + omniknight to counter PA & sniper instead of Visage/ET would have make you probably won the game. ( easier initiation + tank )
                    Besides that phoenix should have made the mekansm and against sniper you need to be able to close up the distance very quickly so dagger on axe or centaur would have helped a lot
                    Mb go for divine rapier in the end if you're losing rax since you need to go all in at this point of the game but you'd be focused & die anyway.
                    Make BKB instead of linken sphere since they can break easily your LS with dagger or mana drain.