Don't wanna ruin your dream, but that's pretty much how you play a core Warlock.
I don't see it very much in the meta and I don't think its that well know. Just sharing a fun build.
actually it's pretty standard WL non-supp build, you don't even need to be core to rush agh, just a #3 with good positioning and upheaval use can grant you fast agh.
2 things to notice:
I usually skip midas, and get some stats and regen to keep me alive, usually in early game where buybacks aren't used very often, don't lose 200 ~ 300 gold unreliable, is better than winning 190 reliable.
This kind of build only works on VERY LOW pubs, in any environment where somebody have a little knowledge about game mechanics, will do a diffusal.
Safelane is easier to get then mid, someone aways insta picks mid in my bracket. Also no diffusals. Everyone flames me in pubs for this build, but I don't care haha.
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Hello. I'm here to share a build ive seen Illidan storm rage use before and it is very fun and not mainstream. Basically, you choose warlock, buy tango and gloves of haste, go safe lane, get Midas by about 5-7 minutes. Max your heal and slow skill, ulti at 6, then max fatal bonds. Then get boots and ring of basillus, then rush aghs. You should have aghs by around 20 minutes if you play safe. After this your ulti+slow combo is very powerful with aghs and you should get a couple kills resulting in a 25-30 minute aghs-refresher. After this you can pretty much rape everyone in teamfights and carry your shit carry. It's quite fun. An important thing is you shouldn't fight unless you have your ulti, try to play safe, keep back and slow or heal. Have fun.