General Discussion

General Discussionconfession of 3k mmr lpq muted player in private chat

confession of 3k mmr lpq muted player in private chat in General Discussion

    so he added me while i was looking for party to fast removal of low priority and started pming me i kept ignoring him and this is what happend

    19:52 - -TwistedDog-: when i finish game
    19:52 - -TwistedDog-: if u r not full
    19:52 - -TwistedDog-: inv
    19:52 - -TwistedDog-: keep the add
    19:52 - -TwistedDog-: btw
    19:52 - -TwistedDog-: i joined
    19:52 - -TwistedDog-: limitd
    19:52 - -TwistedDog-: heroes
    19:52 - -TwistedDog-: by wrong
    19:52 - -TwistedDog-: and when i tried to die one time
    19:52 - -TwistedDog-: everyone said report
    19:52 - -TwistedDog-: i am muted 1 week
    19:52 - -TwistedDog-: cant talk to anyone
    19:52 - -TwistedDog-: even getting report
    19:52 - -TwistedDog-: by autist people
    19:52 - -TwistedDog-: while they suck
    19:53 - -TwistedDog-: and
    19:53 - -TwistedDog-: i cant
    19:53 - -TwistedDog-: have a fking communication
    19:53 - -TwistedDog-: with that valve
    19:53 - -TwistedDog-: i wanna
    19:53 - -TwistedDog-: beat so fking damn hard
    19:53 - -TwistedDog-: that people
    19:53 - -TwistedDog-: they will make me problems
    19:53 - -TwistedDog-: only reason i am talking to u
    19:53 - -TwistedDog-: is cz i cant
    19:54 - -TwistedDog-: resist
    19:54 - -TwistedDog-: my fking nervs
    19:54 - -TwistedDog-: or idk how they call it
    19:54 - -TwistedDog-: in english
    19:54 - -TwistedDog-: otherwise
    19:54 - -TwistedDog-: i just mute everyone
    19:54 - -TwistedDog-: and not talking to any fking trash
    19:54 - -TwistedDog-: now i gotta talk
    19:54 - -TwistedDog-: bcz i wil lget crazy
    19:54 - -TwistedDog-: playing a fking game
    19:54 - -TwistedDog-: and losing
    19:54 - -TwistedDog-: my time
    19:54 - -TwistedDog-: with autist people
    19:54 - -TwistedDog-: if u tell me why u play it
    19:55 - -TwistedDog-: bcz i like the game
    19:55 - -TwistedDog-: i play it 6 years
    19:55 - -TwistedDog-: but i cant
    19:55 - -TwistedDog-: play with those people
    19:55 - -TwistedDog-: at least
    19:55 - -TwistedDog-: to have a fking communication
    19:55 - -TwistedDog-: with valve
    19:55 - -TwistedDog-: to flame them a little
    19:55 - -TwistedDog-: anyway fu
    19:55 - -TwistedDog-: retarded piece of shiit
    19:55 - -TwistedDog- is now Offline.

    coolest story i ever heard :D


      19:55 - -TwistedDog-: anyway fu
      19:55 - -TwistedDog-: retarded piece of shiit
      19:55 - -TwistedDog- is now Offline.

      Giff me Wingman

        lol thefuck did i just read


          apparently he needed to talk to somebody, you did a good thing!!!


            Vaikiss hotline for desperate doto players

            call Nine whine whine or add on


              I bet he was crying the whole time

              Giff me Wingman

                Hotailne very gud, i r8 8/8, no b8.

                the realm's delight

                  i meet pro players in lp everytime i play ardm


                    i think i got majority of pro players from eu servers muted on this account :horse:


                      "apparently he needed to talk to somebody, you did a good thing!!!"

                      Maybe he didnt :D


                        I can relate...Except when i lose I think its because of my neighbors hijacking my internet. When my team talks on the mic I can hear the hero responses from the enemy team . So i drive violently up and down my street at 4 am. Once I actually went and knocked on their door after i told them to meet me in the street they answered the door with a gun in hand!! WTF?!