General Discussion



    I swear it does, maybe mmr hell don`t exist but low priority hell exists for sure again 16 low prio for no reason, I think 1 guy reported me cus my score 1-12 vs stomping game ultra bad picks lanes and thats it 1 report and I ll get always 16 no matter what.

    This is my smurf acc

    If someone wanna play 4.5k+ feel free to add me

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        You stupid kid dumb you are so fucking dumb like really dumb. What does nick name has to do with anything you fool. That nick names was only for 1 game or not for games at all just 20-30 mins. at lobby you stupid dumbfuck shit with 0 brain. I m in low priority hell no matter how I play doesn`t matter ONE RANDOM REPORT and is 16 do you get it or not? You stupid brainless kid.

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          Wow, no wonder you are in low priority ELO hell as you say. That was so over the top I don't know if I am being trolled right now...

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            Entropy WOW I m mutedi into a game and I can`t speak and I don`t spamm well played or anything so its not about talking.

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                Cuz bogi is right, once your account is flagged you can't stop getting low prio. Maybe i f you don't play for half year the sensitivity will lower but the system is fuckin awful.

                I'm getting low prio a lot too. It all started like 3rd January.

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                    The fact that a "personality" like Bogi is constantly put into low priority and/or muted shows that the system is working perfectly fine.


                      I agree with Socram, these posts give me hope. And if OP really does "give up with dota 2" then that's even better.


                        Don't get your hopes up too high, he's claiming that for a felt eternity now.


                          We’ve recently taken action against one or more players you’ve previously reported for bad conduct.


                            You can get reported for whatever reason. The fact that enemies can report you is even more funny. My low prio adventure started after I had won 9games in a row. After 9th won game I got low priority and since then I played over 50 low prio games this month


                              ^ *sad clown avatar*


                                A lot of people misuse the report system for shitty reasons like playing bad or picking heroes like Techies. I'm pretty sure that I also get several reports every month, but I've never been muted or put into LPQ - it just doesn't happen as easily as some of you claim, and mostly not for the reasons that you think.


                                  I wonder if getting commended balances it out?

                                  NextStep ®

                                    Justice has been served, i guess.


                                      Socram Yes is happening easily. 1 or 2 reports in 1 game random about pausing/unpausing picking heroes they don`t want or take rune instead of leting them its a reports and is a instant 16 low priority games.

                                      whiskey waters

                                        nickname has a lot to do btw, sometimes i dodge games just cuz i feel like there are complete retards in my team just by looking at their nickname

                                        and from my experience my first impression is always right.

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                                          When I had that nick was 1 game and I won, I get low prio after last game with troll


                                            Overall 2500 games, got to LPQ 2 times because of Internet, haven't been there for over a year. AMA.


                                              ^ what happened to your other account(s)
                                              edit: thanks for the reddit gold

                                              bum farto

                                                No you just got to stop being a jackass, and queue less on your account it will clear up. Honestly I think your names, heroe picks, attitude is more the reason you're repeatedly in LPQ. You're picking heroes that you want to play, and not heroes that lend themselves well to the team.

                                                You're one of those people that will last pick a roamer to avoid having to support, or will pick a brood offlane instead of someone who can help the team in team fights, all of these things lead to people hating you and reporting you. You would prefer to last pick a jungler, or take farm of your "idiot" team mates then play along.

                                                When you do get the opportunity to play carry solo all you do is go midas and farm because "that wins games"

                                       midas and SB, almost a top item on your items list with boots, I don't remember the last time a slark in my games, or a spectre for that matter when midas and won, or at least all that frequently.

                                                It's not really something that can be pegged in one sentence, it's a lot of things you do, say, or way you act in your games that makes people report you. I feel for you and I hope you get out of the trench of LP soon, but you bring this on yourself.


                                                  bogi please


                                                    Havoc Badger dude you have no idea what you talking about. What heroes picks I do every game what team needs.Only last game I wanted to play wood instead of supporting doesn`t matter impossible game outdrafted how to lane with spectre rubick what support to pick to win undying necro ck lane with techies around mining. What jackass need to mean? I told you I m muted and I can`t speak and I don`t write anything or spamm well played. They was just like oh troll noob look his score lets report him so they report and thats it. My bad I picked troll for wood it sucks anyway with 0 space but I didn`t wanted to lose on purpose or feed on purpose or to anything on purpose to lose so that I deserve low priority. The guys I report who abandon games and do 0-20 stuff and not just me report them like 4-5 people report them and I check their dotabuff few hours later they still play after those abandons and ruins and they are not in low prio. Its just valve put me instant when they see 1 random report because I was anoyying before with flames and pinging so I deserved before but because of that past I think my acc will never be the same even if I changed totally which I did. You know I was raging and get to the 3900 mmr 1 month ago and few days ago I had 4650 I started to play better and to have normal attitude and not to flame but I just can`t play anymore this game because every 2-3 day I get low prio for no reason and I m not really going to waste anymore time on this acc maybe I ll try in few months now I ll play on smurf cus I don`t really have that much time to play 16 low prio games every few days.


                                                      And slark midas is legit btw. On spectre midas sucks


                                               midas WK sucks as well Havoc? I guess I m losing games cus midas :D

                                                        Dude I know when to buy midas and when to not is really discusting to flame me for my gamestyle go check Wk now

                                                        bum farto

                                                          "Havoc Badger dude you have no idea what you talking about." I do, I am just tired of you posting tearful memoirs of shit that is your fault. You have a history of picking greedy, picking what you want, and not picking what the team needs. Look at you hero history over the last 6 months.

                                                          Also WK is strong regardless of what you pick/build and he has been a lot of peoples go to carry prior to Jugger, and Troll influx

                                                          There are very, very few games where you actually perform well. Whether you're tired, moody, or just playing on tilt I dunno but you think that everyone is an idiot despite being the lowest factor in about 85% of your games. Lets go through some of them...

                                                          Ask yourself this.
                                                 - Did your team need the troll?
                                                 - Should you maybe have gone BKB? Instead of Euls?
                                                 - Manta, first and only item?
                                                 - Win, performed well
                                                 - Win, performed well
                                                 - We have a Mid, Carry, Offlane, Support....meh I will pick pudge.
                                                 - Decent performance but lost cause not enough early impact.
                                                 - Drow is complex, don't blame you really. Team too farm heavy.
                                                 - Strong spell team? Nah man, SB/skadi > BKB

                                                          Again, I am sure you can see trends in this. You go for selfish picks, or farmers. I would also report people like you who will last pick junglers, or first pick weak cores and just farm them when the team needs the collective effort of the full team. I don't mind you as a person or player, but a lot of people I know dread going into games with you. No one hates you per say it just tends to be such a drag playing with you cause you do dumb shit all game, farm endlessly but still have no items, buy midas, and just moan all the time about players in your bracket or better than you.

                                                          Seriously you're the only one that can't see it, do you legitimately think everyone else is the problem?


                                                            I think this guy is trolling. Or very delusional.


                                                              No mokujin, thank YOU for the reddit gold lmfao just got it with my rtz copypasta shitpost


                                                                le upvote jaja
                                                                btw didn't see it was you :D


                                                                  lol havoc

                                                                  playing video games is all about fun (or atleast it was supposed to be)

                                                                  if someone enjoys playing core and all core spots taken why the fuck would u downgrade urself to support and do what u dont like to do ?

                                                         game for example slark and line instaclaimed mid and safelane

                                                                  axe marked jungle so there was left 2 spots supporting or offlane since i often masturbate before tha match (kappa) i was left with 5th pick since i was 2 lazy to figure out what we need i just randomed and got dk (to lane against viper+wd duo lane) ofc that lane was unwinable for me no matter what so i jsut went ganked the shit out of sf and jungle jugger made sure that lina was getting tons of kills and we won easily now please tell me how dk is greedy offlaner and my pick sucked but i made that game easy as fuck cuz of that random

                                                                  ive won numerous times playing jungle miranas or support morphlings and whatnot (shit that i random when i feel like not putting 2 much effort into game cuz my team doesn't deserve it anyway)

                                                                  does that make me any less of a "good" player ? i highly doubt it

                                                                  picks doesn't matter execution of the shit u got does
                                                                  when we stack with "high" skilled friends we usualy do 5 man randoms in 5 man stacks against 5 man tryhard picks and we come up on top at the end of the game no matter how shitty our randoms was but only becouse we are better players

                                                                  ofc outpicking enemies always help but thats just small portion of the game

                                                                  volvo does have retarded reporting system that has to be changed

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                                                                  3k Pog Champ

                                                                    Shit players are Shit.

                                                                    News at 10

                                                                    bum farto

                                                                      That's you, this is Bogi. Also anything is possible in stack and I won't question your ability to utilize the heroes you pick even if not ideal. At low 4K's most games hang on a very tight thread of winning or losing and peoples tempers/egos are super high so I was simply explaining why he might have been reported or have lost a lot of his games.

                                                                      ...but point made.


                                                                        havoc didn't say he should be getting reports / deserved those reports, he just explained why he was getting them. i'm aware his LPQs aren't really legit but still that can be avoided by having a different attitude


                                                                          ive been reported numerous times for dieing in mid

                                                                          when enemy team had 2 roaming supports constantly buying smokes while we have 0 vision on map

                                                                          the system is rigged and has to be changed


                                                                            you need to stop being so emo and focus on yourself.


                                                                              Havoc Badger I don`t wanna be unmannered but because you are very rude to me and acting stupid I must tell you that I thought you are a smart guy, my foult. Well maybe you are in some point in life but for dota you have no fucking clue.

                                                                     - Did your team need the troll? You are right we don`t need troll, we don`t need either Spectre first pick and rubick support vs their 3 lane.

                                                                     probably at some point but not possible to get that fast so I get euls which was faster and if I had just bkb I will literally do 0 dmg which you don`t look at that way because you are shit carry player and you don`t look stuff in a another ways only bla bla bla see orchid and nukes go go bkb so smart do 75 dps as mider sniper no problem survive and have 5 sec bkb after 4 min.

                                                                     Yes MANTA first item you stupid no-brood player

                                                                     NO WE DIDNT HAD MID, I called mid I picked mid second tinker was 4 or 5 pick GO CHECK IT

                                                                     Not enough early performance? YOU FUCKING MONKEY 35 min. puck no dagger what early not enough performance are you fucking crazy? I was 6-0 or something in 5 min. that game for sure wasnt winnable as slark even if matrice played it

                                                                     - Drow is complex, don't blame you really. Team too farm heavy. NOW YOU DON`T blame me cus you don`t have clue this game was actually very very hard but probably if I played better I couldve win so we can consider this game as winnable and my foult. I can`t believe you actually flaming me for slark game and telling me this game I did less mistakes rofl.

                                                                     - Strong spell team? Nah man, SB/skadi > BKB
                                                                              Items was totally fine Puck was feeding on purpose as you can see 2-25 I was afk like 5-10 min. at base because puck was just feeding around and I didn`t played from start to the end my best probably my foult to get mad for 2-25 player probably 95% pros will stop playing as well at 6k mmr I m 100% sure. 0-10 in 6-7 min.

                                                                              the realm's delight

                                                                                reporting system is completely retarded i cant even imagine what down syndrome ape conceived this system its actually unreal

                                                                                bum farto

                                                                                  "Stupid no brood player" best insult 2014, and therein lies your problem. People who offer suggestions are met with harsh rebuke because of course as always Bogi knows best. I am not being rude I am offering you and answer as to why you're in low priority all the time and you instantly go all weepy on me.


                                                                                    You talk shit how can you know why I m in low prio? Did you played my acc? Don`t you see how many people got problems with low prio its not only me. What suggestion you offer that 6-0 slark in 5 min. isnt good enough with 35 minute no dagger puck in a team are you fucking kidding me?

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                                                                                      Maybe I go a bit over a line as well as you did but you are insulting my slark game and you didnt even watched it. I m 10x better slark player than you and my slark in that game was on 5500+ mmr level for sure yes for sure. And 4500 puck no dagger in 35 min. so what balance is that? 4500 mmr - 2000 mmr = 2000 so if I was 6500 mmr maybe game couldve been fine to lose cus thats balance than but I m as well 4500 and game is discusting to say that I didn`t played good enough when there wasnt space to play anything better go and watch replay.

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                                                                                        I think you need to check your attitude before anything else.


                                                                                          Dude, no offense, but if your Slark was 10 times better than Havoc's and 5500+ mmr then you'd be over 5k by now, since it's your most played hero... this is plain obvious

                                                                                          bum farto

                                                                                            I don't play slark so why is this even an argument, I think your head would explode if you had to play any of the heroes I had without farm. What's this? A dazzle with no midas? Wards, oh God, what do I do now.

                                                                                            Anyways for the sake of arguement, I don't play slark or even know how to play him and I still have 57+ win rate with a higher KDA so saying you're 5500 rated on slark and having less stats then someone who doesn't play him at all, or can even play carries well is a little sad.

                                                                                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                                              Havoc don't argue with idiot he will only bring you down to his level. Too bad dotabuff removed ignore button. I wish I can squelch his ass on here. He's a toxic delusional dota player who doesn't get it "that he's bad, doesn't teamplay or every learn matters" that's why he's in LPQ every fucken day with 5 of his other smurf accounts. I mean he makes like 50,000 threads a day about LPQ and over 1 million during Dotabuff's lifetime by now. In reddit he's a reddit karma f*g.

                                                                                              1) You're bad cuz you are BAD. Maybe ass kiss you might get carried, son. I got 99 problem but u ain't one.
                                                                                              2) Stop flaming maybe you won't get muted like every fucken time you get off muted.
                                                                                              3) Teamplay if you can't play a multiplayer game stick to COD or BF4, cuz ur ass gonna meet LPQ every other game.

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                                                                                                I don't want to insult you Bogi, but comparing an average 4.5k MMR Slark player to Matrice Slark is an insult to him.

                                                                                                I do belive you're good Slark, however, 6.5k player are not 5.5k players. Even if you did as an 5k player in that match, Matrice sits on 6.4k+ at this moment and he'd won that match probably.


                                                                                                  Havoc Badger WOW WOW WOW lets talk about e pen now please you have higher win rate and kda with slark WOW BRO WOW I guess you have it better even than guy from MVP who played ti 4 he is 50% with slark 2.5 kda I think you are way better than him and me because your stats are better GRATZ!


                                                                                                    Shred you to bits Fucyourself as well


                                                                                                      And he wont won that MUCH YOU STUPID 3k trash why you talk even omg




                                                                                                        You really have some anger isuses.

                                                                                                        What you need is some 6k player to beat the shit out of you, just to prove how wrong you are.

                                                                                                        I might be 3k thrash, but just remeber, you're 4k thrash.

                                                                                                        I'm out of here..

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