General Discussion

General DiscussionAdd pls hiding for db+

Add pls hiding for db+ in General Discussion

    Add pls hiding profile for accounts dotabuff+. I I often play in tournaments, my profile and look at dotabaffe and pick or ban my best heroes. Need temporary hiding profile, for game time on tournaments. I have a subscription to a year and a half.


      At first I was gonna call this post out for obvious reasons....

      But the man does have a point (in all be it horribly broken English).

      I mean I know we all want the public record to be out there, but maybe a paying customer should be able to hide his dota profile temporarily?

      turning off "expose public match data" wont hide his dotabuff, it will just stop recording games, and the guy has 3000 games already which is obviously a high enough sample to get a tournament advantage.

      Came expecting to shoot this down... but it seems like an ok thing for ONLY PAYING CUSTOMERS to do.


        he has a point... considering its db+, momentarily disabling it should be fine.


          hmm but i dont think it matters... doesnt dotamax also recover the games?

          i love u butt

            there are multiple sites that collect dota 2 data from valve and use it to generate information in their site.

            Blocking/hiding information from the rest of the public, will only stop exclusiv dotabuff users and decrease the popularity of the site in the near future.


              @Concede , im sorry for my horribly broken English, just im from Russia and im not learn English on school :(

              @C9.Benao: Believerboy 2 , about the who and what recover other information about the games i do not know, but i think that is the main resource dotabuff, i always turn to him exactly how to work the rest of the resources i do not know.

              @i love u butt , i do not ask to be able to hide a profile on all time, i ask that hide at time peak (5-10 minutes) a couple of times a day limit. i think this not cause a popularity down.


                You can't expect every single site to hide your profile. If Dotabuff does this, people will go to


                  all i can say nigga u gay

                  if getting 1 or 2 heroes baning affects ur performance in the game

                  maybe u should move into league of legends ?


                    Yes, DB can't control how Dotamax does things.

                    However, it seems like a really easy thing to add to the site code, and it gives people an extra incentive to pay for dotabuff.