General Discussion

General Discussionfak solo queue

fak solo queue in General Discussion
Rusty Ken (mmr thief)

    I played solo queue after a long break from it, and the first thing I said when we were picking our heroes was "I'm gonna pick carry, but if anyone objects I will support". I said this because I want to win, so I tried to get my team to communicate. I enjoy playing support and I'd say I'm a decent support player, but when it comes to solo queue I tried supporting before, although we did win it was still hard supporting those 3k carries. So JUST THAT MATCH I decided to play carry. Well, nobody objects so I proceeded to pick luna. Guess what? SF! STORM!! TINY!!! Boom. I had to lane with tiny. I couldn't farm well with 20cs/10 minutes because tiny wouldn't give me the creeps.
    I opted to be nice and try to get them to communicate, but apparently what I said did not register.
    3k solo queue in a nut shell.


      yea any non-solo lane in 3k mmr is a waste of time.
      i would have just tried to jungle the inner medium camp
