General Discussion

General DiscussionIs getting BoT on drow as a 4th item ok for rat drow?

Is getting BoT on drow as a 4th item ok for rat drow? in General Discussion


    When I play drow i try to avoid fights and just push push push to the best of my abilities

    For that playstyle , after sb/blink , MoM and yasha, is a BoT viable?

    also, for good drow players who play rat style , do you have any suggestions.

    (Benao too :P, since you are very good at drow) (i see your stream sometimes)


      So ok.


        Whatever wins you the game ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
        Drums+Aquila also good for tower taking drow


          Is the added mobility worth it over say a crystalys?


            I'd say manta need to have with the buff to her.


              dont go manta! dont go travels either, not worth it srsly!

              it seems you play the gay drow rat style which i don't so i dont know what to tell you....have you considered growing balls and getting bkb? :D

              idk how to explain my drow and i dont know if you play her as role 1 either but i can tell you i do whatever i need to win. ive won games with the evolution of vanguard, with mek, with orchid+blink, sb+madness+dagger, with maelstrom madness and bkb, with guinso... i usually go utility drow with a manly approach towards initiation and assasination followed by taking down towers or effectively farm a lane and snipe whoever comes, tank the tower to not get backdoor defense and finish it.

              There will always be better items than BoT unless you just bb and require it to finish the throne. Even a diffu works well

              L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                I play the "gay" style because thats the only way I have a good chance of winning regardless of what team does. I avoid all fights and go for towers

                I play a 2 or a 3, mainly coz im not in fights, not if i can help it


                  if you're not in fights then you're farming creeps uncontested, you shouldn't be poorer than the offlaner.

                  L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                    which game are you talking about?

                    THICC BABY SHUM

                      with the patch that drows illusions from manta get bonus dmg from activating e, still not worth buying it?


                        none in particular, but if you're split pushing you should actually have more farm than your team, rather than less, there's no way that you should/can be the third highest for farm priority.

                        if you're split pushing you're going to be naturally farming creeps alone, so no teammates have priority over you in that case, and if you're looking to fight, unless you're a spectre, you're going to be sacrificing potential farm by having to stay near your team.


                          still not worth buying it. I only get it when i need a slight boost of agi or to take off a silence or smth right before breaking highground. It's the gold i have left before i finish the game.

                          THICC BABY SHUM

                            kk, tx for advice.

                            L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                              Oh when I said I was a 2 or 3, it's because at my tier, I'm probably laning with another carry, in which case I let him lh, coz he will be the one fighting , while i'll be pushing. In terms of farm priority for the team I come in at a 2 or 3, but when I'm pushing im getting all that farm

                              Tiny Airlines

                                If you're going to play Drow, rat isn't the best strategy with her. Save that for a hero like Shadow Shaman or especially Troll Warlord.

                                Okay, maybe I can give one piece of advice: Don't go Sange and Yasha if you're going to rat.


                                  ^What are you talking about? Drow is a tower pushing maniac. You could choose not to go rat with her, but ratting with her is also an effective strategy. It depends on your play style.


                                    Against good enemies you can only rat, unless your team consists of frontline tanky cores + disengaging spells like swap

                                    Otherwise half her strength is simply her aura active


                                      If you are going to go drow as a rat style then you do want to go bots to switch lanes more easily but you also then want to get Mjollnir for aoe damage to kill creep lanes faster, get a sb for escape in case enemy rotates and you have to have good awareness not to get caught out with a stun, dust initiation, MoM for max attack speed to shred towers, Manta for the added illusion damage and and an additional escape mechanism and Butterfly for the extra dps and evasion. If you feel like you are a good enough player I would get rid of the sb for a deso and the - armor. I would go for deso towards the end because your life steal from the MoM won't work with it. Depending on the situation you'll have to build the items in a different order. But playing rat drow is not easy because if your team is not split pushing or losing hard 5 v 4 the other team can out push you. Also if they have inviz heroes they can stalk you and drow is pretty squishy in bad positioning. You could sub the deso for a ac to get more armor it all depends on your farm. Look at your team line up. If you have a competent tank heroe in your line up you are probably better of fighting with the team axe, cent, bristle, etc. I usually like to play the ganker style of drow, activate sb and mom and catch enemy out of position but it doesn't always work because the other team can decide to 5 man or set traps. I would listen to Benao and just remain flexible with your build. Drow is very versatile in the right hands and that 6 second silence with frost arrow is deadly. Hope my comment was somewhat useful. Good luck with your future games.

                                      Dire Wolf


                                        but drow is a good ratter and s&y is a good rat item and drow item although manta is better for drow cus she doesn't need to slow proc from s&y cus she has arrows and with her illusions hit hard.


                                          dont listen to this fucking noob ^ @MAX btw

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                                          Dire Wolf

                                            not even attempting to scale that wall

                                            Since we're on drow though, frosty arrows is a UAM right? And it lasts very short on heroes so you kinda need it auto cast if anyone's running. So is dominator/satanic really that good on her? Toggle arrows off when enemies fighting you, on when they are fleeing? I never quite got it. I'm pretty terrible with drow in general, truth be told. Never got her animation down right for last hits.

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                                              You should await a response form Benao since I'm a "fucking noob" but yes. Although I usually go for MoM for the burst damage the trade off is that you become a glass cannon. But basically you want to switch from fa to regular attack as you are fighting. If the enemy is running form you normally they are not doing damage to you so just use frost arrows if they are trading punches then just use regular attack to get your ls back. Of course you want to use fa if they get too close to create space so you don't lose your bonus damage if they are within (400 range).


                                                I rarely make it. I always use frost arrows (almost) and if you're already trading blows melee range then you're fucking stupid and the fight is lost (unless you hit him a lot before he came in range). Better get diffu and diffu the target and run back and if you wanna keep fighting, do so with frost arrows.

                                                Remember drow is all about the ulti! If you're not using it you're doing smth wrong! Learn to kite heroes. Run run kitty run until you're satisfied with your positioning and fire away.

                                                edit. i barely even use lifesteal! sometimes for rosh, sometimes to last longer in a specific fight and else to just jungle. investing 4k gold on an item you will rarely use is a waaaaste!

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                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                  benao, what you think?
                                                  drow mask of madness, difusal blade, shevas, rod of atos, skadi
                                                  xaaxaxaxa, seems legit, always have ult
                                                  gg no reports plz


                                                    drow already has the dmg! it might work :) but i never build atos on ANY hero :D! besides it doesnt give mana reg so i dont like it :D. skady is too expensive and doesnt stack so its worthless... i'd rather go deso (have sometimes) for taking down towers faster.