General Discussion

General DiscussionI've been wondering

I've been wondering in General Discussion

    How come the support on the other team picks a useful hero like oracle/silencer/lich and mine is some useless trash like 'support pudge' who does nothing and just stands around


      oh great i just had a "5.6k" (he's actually 5.1k) go jungle enig and he casted black hole 4 times in a 40 minute game (it got cancelled twice, in one of them he didn't even activate bkb)

      fucking worthless vermin everywhere

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        you buy boosted mmr then you start feeding playing over your MMR and have the balls to complain?


          where did i buy boosted mmr? are u high?


            did u seriously accuse me of buying a mmr boost on this account? i've been friends with havoc for ages and he can confirm my rating LMAO


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              oh and i abandoned the last game cuz nobody on my team had any farm and they were running around like chickens with their heads cut off so idgaf

              all trash shits


                Everyone loves Chibi

                  Benao is mad as fuck, cause he cant get 5k :D U have to start believing in your teammates, if u think ull get shitty supports, there is actually a good chance you will.


                    It's not about deserving higher mmr, it's about the quality of games

                    I played 1 game on EU today and everyone was actually higher than me (page 1, go figure) and I didn't see anyone loafing around like a fucking monkey.

                    Then every other game I get these worthless scum who walk around the map feeding from minute 1 and the game's already lopsided 10 min in.


                      srsly why the fuck do people jmp on the @blunt train? IM NOT FUCKING 4K


                        He's not 4k :laugh:


                        Why are you complaining? Complaining doesn't help at all. I mean, majority of the people left on dotabuff are new people or very untalented players with bad reputation, I don't understand why complaining here or even complaining at all will help or make your life/game better.


                          It doesn't, I'm just doing it to release stress


                            Support Pudge is legit.


                              yeah if you want to win the game for the other team


                                I have 100% winrate on support Pudge. Even with my terrible hooking skills.


                                  if you're on my team you would get a report like all the other pudges on my team that lost me games