General Discussion

General DiscussionItems progression for a carry Tiny

Items progression for a carry Tiny in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Going straight for aghs seems kind of stupid unless you are going bonkers in lane and can get it in like ~12 mins cus it doesn't help farm much buying the pieces. I seem to have most trouble with sustain on Tiny both hp and mana so I tried going vlads first. Seemed to help a lot. I went PT, vlads, aghs but am wondering if there's something better like maybe maelstrom or even mask of madness.


      I usually go PT, drums, aghs, AC then rest is situational like manta, heart, butterfly, mkb.




          So here we go, I play Tiny a lot so hopefully this will help you. I start Tiny with 2 branches and tango if go mid, or tango stout 3 branches if safe lane then I get treads of regardless as I realized that attack speed is just too much. After treads I look at everybody's items and think, can I go straight for aghs and farm huge items fast and end game or will i need to build drums which is in a lot of my games. Drums is just rlly good for tiny he gets more dmg from it mana, hp and movement speed to farm fast. After that I decide if should I go for ac or manta this game, manta is good vs techies bounty hunter ult and to dodge stuns or other things. ac is just what tiny needs lots of games the armor and attack speed rlly good.

          My average build looks like (treads, drums, aghs, ac, manta and the game is over before i get another item.

          Edit. A lots of times midas just kills you, dont like midas on tiny unlease enemy dsnt have heros that will panish you for getting it, and pls dont go phase boots after midas saying u have attack speed from midas so you dont need more.

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          Tiny Airlines

            Almost every hero I play I never go midas because it doesn't win games. Characters like Alchemist I've seen go midas so many times and lose - go phase boots, armlet, and mjollnir, and then go for other things.

            This should just go for any hero - hand of midas is probably one of the worst items in the game right now.


              personally i hate midas but a guy i stack with always getsit and then contributes nothing until he has his aghs+ac.

              the game is usually won or lost by then in my opinion....


                i'm digging slashers way on this one.

                shadowblade into aghs. Saw envy do it.

                otherwise drums/yaha into aghs.

                If you have a wisp treads... if not considering phase.

                Quick maffs

                  PT into Aghs is fine, well at least for me.

                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    I will try slashers build and see how it works out. But I have to say that when i build sb on tiny usually i focus on killing enemy heroes and not farming in which tiny needs to do and tiny has some mana problems so sb is not too great for him, but will see. btw can someone link slashers dotabuff?


                      drums is pretty bad in general. im still not entirely sure why the pros do it because the drums delays the aghs like crazy (items been nerfed and is pretty outdated at this point). would rather just get a bracer and if u need it aquilas not bad into a aghs. both options are cheaper and do just as much if not more.

                      getting a blink or shadowblade isnt bad if you dont have a wisp to set you up and move you around

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                      THICC BABY SHUM

                        Drums been buffed got 5 charges, they give insane stats and aura to ur entire team cost less then ultimate orb and is way better. They do every thing that tiny wants and with manta illusions are tanky. use drums in fight and ezy win with so much attack speed. when you play vs players that want to punish you for rushing aghs you will die a lot and get late aghs with drums its hard to kill you. When pros build drums on tiny they know what they are doing. -25 can you show me ur main acc?
                        Blink gives you 0 stats, on tiny stats are op especially if they give straingth which is also dmg and attack speed and dont forget about movement speed.

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                          the idea behind SB on tiny is that it allows you to gank with im like you would if you got Aghs, like the old blink tiny mid ganker back in the day.

                          However it also provides him with the attack speed he needs later in the gamer to use aghs effectively.

                          its not as good as blink for initiation, but it does allow you to do that early game, and helps you late game as a carry.

                          THICC BABY SHUM

                            ^the current tiny is farming tiny he dsnt gank more then twice, he farms all lanes get gold and win game. drums is a passive blink as it gives you a lot of movement speed plus movement speed from ult and ur everywhere.


                              drums are legit on tiny as ynit said

                              Dire Wolf

                                Yeah I'm probably going to go drums just cus he is so starved for mana if you don't get any int items. What about lifesteal though? I have a lot of trouble rotating through jungle without some lifesteal but no one seems to build it. I'm a fan of drums and vlads but thats 2 items before aghs then.

                                What about bottle? Sucks having to leave lanes for runes but it's a huge difference if theyre uncontested.

                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                  Bottle is need to go mid tiny item, as its the most op item mid. And u can tread swich to get the most out of it. When u get drums and aghs you wouldn't need life steal to kill camps just swich to int toss 1 of creeps finsh and go to next then farm lane and get rune.

                                  As you get good at positioning with tiny u will be able to win games with mask of madness without being focused. Another life steal item you can get is satanic, sometimes I go vlads with tiny if have another melle hero in my team. You can play tiny like shadowfind cambo creep wave then kill one of camps in jungle. But you will need soulring for that. Its like a Midas. Add me if have any more tiny questions, I also have steam guide that I can give you link for.


                                    Rushing aghs is fine, aghs is like a better battlefury for tiny (gives 50% cleave) along with useful stats on the way. Personally I like an early bottle to solve mana problems, and a MoM after Aghs solves the sustain/aspd problems.


                                      I usually prefer to go blink and then transition to carry later, but that's just personal preference...

                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                        MOM can sometimes kill you vs like lina lion or skywraight mage, I agree that its ok to rush aghs, but thats not always the case, if game is hard drums can help you out a lot.