General Discussion

General DiscussionDual mid

Dual mid in General Discussion
free flowing

    Lich+any decent farmer mid laner i think is a very good strat or what so ever you call it. like you do it with storm then he'll prolly get his silence @ 11-14mins start snowballing and win. so is with ta ez deso ez win. + their mid surely will suffer a lot. just give your carry a good lane supp and everything will be fine. so what i'm asking is what are the disadvantages of dual mid aside from exp share? and what heroes can still lane it.


      There are better examples than Storm/TA because they want solo exp and are not weak laners to begin with. Wisp makes a pretty good dual lane partner now that there's a guaranteed rune.

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      free flowing

        Meh I know wisp is better but it requires higher skill + not everyone can play him. not like lich so ez + the consuming of creep helps a lot. and I used storm/ta as an example bec. they can win the game alone if well farmed early to mid to late. Suggest other heroes then ty for answering Mokujin-sama!


          I'd have to see it in practice, but it sounds okay in theory. Especially since Lich's sacrifice can be used to deny the opposing midlaner a little bit of EXP, which could serve to potentially even out the 1v2 scenario.

          Dire Wolf

            I've done it with mirana. There wasn't really a rhyme or reason, my friend just wanted to play mirana. I would nuke and he'd jump behind them and arrow. It works in that it can really shut down an opposing mid. Lich spamming nukes will do that and you don't take a huge xp hit cus of sacrifice. But if enemy mid is a hero who doesn't farm then there's not a lot of point. Like say vs a pudge. A storm or TA should get their farm vs a pudge anyway. And a tinker is going to find farm with march anyway. So it's only really useful vs like ember spirit, razor, heroes like that who want to farm the mid.

            And downside is an offlane lich with another good harass can really shut down safe lane carry which is usually more valuable than the dual mid.


              io middle, if radiant, can remove from opponent each wave, for the next 10 minutes, that's pretty good for a dual mid :p


                matrice and put an axe on midlane itself so he can defend tower easily and get 100% of creep lasthits.