General Discussion

General DiscussionHas matchmaking changed since the new patch came?

Has matchmaking changed since the new patch came? in General Discussion
Harry hamburgerryg

    The matchmaking has been shit since the new patch came, even more one sided stomp games.

    I recently got from 3800 to 3500 in one fucking rush. The amount of bad players is insane. Some people in normal skill, is much better than the people in VHS?.. wtf is up with that.

    Examples here: 2,1k HD 45min TB. More feed please. Drow and clinkz going offlane together wtf. carrys did the damage... right This is insane.. Yet another one, look at their cs in this game and the last one. Es trolling the game, am doing 9k HD in 55minutes.

    Seriously wtf is up with the amount of retards in this game lately. I'ts like i cannot overcome this losing streak. It just keeps getting worse and worse, no matter what i fucking do i end up losing cus trolls, feeders, and braindead people.


      It's the opposite for me. One loss in 37 games. So no, nothing has probably happened. You're just unlucky.

      Harry hamburgerryg

        One loss in 37games wow.. Yeah it's probably like its used to be. One week your accounts has the loss switch turned on, the next week the win switch is turned on. This matchmaking is so damn unbalanced. But thats nothing new, no wonder its getting unbalanced with 99999999999smurfs in the game. People are making accounts all the time to get higher mmr, cus it's not easier to play em up from their current mmr, and people end up in brackets they don't belong to. Example 2k player end in 3k's even 3800 range probably.

        Harry hamburgerryg

 here we go again. doing second higest hd on the team as support. 3-14 3-14 stack.


            you meik tilterino


              @jussi #pin
              It's not fair, you play in a 5 stack. Matchmaking has nothing to do about it. =)

              Try to play captains mode. Those matches are balanced and interesting most of the time.

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              Harry hamburgerryg

                Yeah i'll probably have to try that. Cus this aint working out.


                  @Soultrap well my experiences are the same in solo, duo and 3 stack. For example my last 19 solo matches have been 18 wins and 1 loss. My point was to reply to his anecdotal evidence with my own. Sometimes you lose, sometimes you win. But don't blame the matchmaking for it. If you are better than the people you match up with/against then you will climb in the long run unless you are at the two extremes.

                  Harry hamburgerryg

           Aaaaaand agaaain. Doom doing 5,2k in 45min. Using ulti 3 times whole game, not a single doom on void. Bs havin s/y and bkb 45min even tho he had two supports in a trilane and the possibility to free farm. Zeus also finishing aga after 45min. No captains draft is just as retarded as all pick. Time to start playing something else, got enought of this shit game for now.


                      It's been snowy recently.

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