General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is there no teamwork commend?

Why is there no teamwork commend? in General Discussion

    I know that in League of legends u can commend players who showed good teamwork. Like teamwork is the only thing i ever want to commend people and it doesn't exist. I honestly don't care if they are assholes as long as they try to play for the team


      Is demoralizing team-mates (assholes) showing great team-work? By your logic I can assume you're a decent flamer.


        cuz 1 u have to commend more then 1 person, 2 in dota there is no teamwork, and 3 it will take time to make and time is money.


          commending is useless anyway,

          just report if no teamwork


            report at least 3 people a game >>>>> get more reports to give out next game.

            Dune, the Desert Planet

              When I explain to my Venge player that 4-0-4-1 on level 9 is wrong and that wave is way better spell I get flamed and not commended with a teaching commend.

              Commends don't mean shit


                time to replace friendly with for example cooperative? naah don't think so

                + who the fuck is friendly in doto lol

                THICC BABY SHUM


                  Este comentário foi editado
                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                    It's never the correct build. One or two points im stun, rest in wave and aura.
                    Level 6 2-3-0-1 or 1-3-1-1 or 2-2-1-1.
                    Level 11 2-4-3-2
                    Stun on level 1 almost always, wave if you're doing instant Roshan.
                    The other day I lost a game cause Venge had stun and not wave or at least aura during "Roshan before creeps". Rosh lived at 160hp, 3 of us died and sentinels took Rosh... -_-

                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                      And especially for that game it wasn't, we had Drow, WK, QoP.

                      Make love, not flame

                        Many people are friendly and that's a big part of winning. Flame will result in loss of focus -> worse map awarness, bad decision making...

                        Teamwork can belong to friendly or even better- to teaching or leadership. Though it doesn't matter much.

                        ^+ on venge build, and if you are suicidical and keep trading as initiation..her negative aura wins massfight so many times.

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                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                          I mean negative armor from wave lasts for 20 seconds. That alone gives you reason to max it, vision and damage are just extras.
                          Even nerfed it's still extremely powerful spell esp on agro triple lanes. God forbid it's with BB.


                            "^+ on venge build, and if you are suicidical and keep trading as initiation..her negative aura wins massfight so many times."
                            Suicidal? Please, we call that "aggressive" here.


                              Wave has multiple uses, besides -armor. You can use it for scouting or stacking ancients. But lvl 1 wave reduces armor by 3, lvl 2 - only 4. There is no reason to put more than 1 skill point there. 4-1-1-1 is my standard build and sometimes 1-1-4-1 for push-oriented team.

                              You must play on Venge more often to understand her better.

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                                If damage goes up only 20 and -1 armor only 1 per level, would stats be > wave level 2/3/4?


                                  You guys are greatly understimating the power of those little extra minus armor points, specially if you pick up a medallion as well.


                                    If you going to kill someone, it must be done in fast and brutal fashion, not in gay-like style: "lets put minus armor on him and slap this guy with our autoattacks for next 20 seconds".

                                    P.S. On topic: commend them as "friendly".

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                                      Every successive point of minus armor is more valuable than the one that came before it, particularly at early points in the game when opponents don't have a lot of armor.

                                      The aura becomes more valuable the more stats your team has - which tends to correlate with later points in the game.

                                      So we can say that Wave is at its most valuable early and that Aura is at its most valuable later. More than that requires knowledge of heroes and items.

                                      Also, I hate people that report other players for bad play. That's what the MMR system is for. Reports are for toxic shitbags who scream in allchat about how "omg this PA so noob gg pls finish fast." MMR will take care of the shitty PA over time; the whining negativity needs to go to Low Prio and stay there.


                                        Wave is not working on towers.

                                        Jay Ashborne


                                            Reports for "bad play" are useless anyway. They actually check - does reported person actually do some stuff you reported him for. If that person is just bad, no actions will be taken.


                                              Yeah... there are hundred Valve's employees who check every report.


                                                1st time i 10/10 would say i like Melody's post above omggg 10/10 by me

                                                on topic:

                                                commends dont even matter showoffer



                                                  They do check it. Just not "every". If a person receives multiple similar reports - they check it. It's a common practice, the same done in LoL (in a little different way, tho).

                                                  And I do think LoL's commend system makes much more sense compared to Dota's one. While I get "Leadership" and "Friendly" ones, wtf is "Teaching"? People hate it when someone teaches them. And I have no idea why the hell there is "Forgiving" commend.

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                                                    commends are love commends are life

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                                                        Best commend here is teaching, as in they are a good example of how to play because they know teamwork.

                                                        They all make sense, but some of them have barely any use. Forgiving is like if you mess up and your team encourages you to not feel bad but I guess not every mistake forgiven is worth a "forgiving" commend. And for teaching, I usually commend people with that because if they played well, then you can learn from them by just watching and so they are teaching. That's just my logic. Other than that, "friendly" is like if they kept the atmosphere good but didn't really excel at anything and I don't remember when I used "Leadership" cause even if the guy carried it's not usually leadership unless he gave good calls during the game.