General Discussion

General DiscussionSomebody coach me on Beastmaster.

Somebody coach me on Beastmaster. in General Discussion
Tiny Airlines

    I can not play this hero without losing or feeding the enemy team. Last round I got so frustrated with fighting against a Wraith King as a Beastmaster (WK has a ridiculous win rate) and thought about not picking this guy again.

    Honestly guys, I'd like to learn a hero and not be matched against douchebags that choose cheap heroes like Wraith King or Lycan.


      Where did u lane him and what's ur mmr?

      Tiny Airlines

        Actually I don't do ranked matches anymore since they're full of retards. But if you'd like to know it's 1130 MMR I think.

        I laned him with Windranger who kept pushing the lane in the laning phase with powershot.

        Granted I died quite a bit this round but I'm trying to learn this hero.

        Este comentário foi editado

          if ur mmr is 1130 u should play ranked, normal games are imbalanced. just a tip

          Tiny Airlines

            Ranked matches make me more angrier though...

            Ok I found out my mmr is 1191 solo.

            Este comentário foi editado
            THICC BABY SHUM

              Dsnt matter where u play, just pick bm when u can solo off, get XP and stack ancients with q right behind tower. Get aura items and win teamfights


                You can level your pets at level 1 now and get a boar out of it. That means you can safely pull around the creep wave the way Lone Druid and Nature's Prophet do, letting your creeps go under their tower so they die quicker and their lane pushes. You can at the same time block neutral spawns with the hawk. Taking ancients with axes + soul ring is a good strategy, but the new 40% ms/as slow and 500 health of the level 4 boar means pretty strong ganks, so COTW at 4 on level 7 may be legit.
                I would generally only select mana boots if I am buying a Mekansm rather than a blink dagger. Otherwise I think brown boots is the way to go, phase or treads or travels being a luxury item you buy after you buy cores of your choice. You won't have a go-to core for every game on this hero, but there is a core for each particular game, you know?


                  > Actually I don't do ranked matches anymore since they're full of retards

                  thats cos theres 10 dudes with 1100 mmr in them, including you. then again unranked you're basically playing with the same shitty people but the mmrs are hidden, that's all.

                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                    Call of the wild was always maxed on Rexxar, now it's just better.

                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                      Call of the wild was always maxed on Rexxar, now it's just better.