General Discussion

General DiscussionI want to have Very High Skill what to do ??

I want to have Very High Skill what to do ?? in General Discussion

    when I play and i die often 8 .. I qualified with very high but when I do not die over 4 qualified with Normal skill or High Skill :S ...
    as the very high skill system work?


      it seems volv mm is working just fine


        in very high you have 4 14 with bloodseeker, i think you don't really belong there yet.


          Report for q in brazil

          I am at peace (muted)

            Making new accounts won't make a difference (trust me I have 5 accounts on 3.8k mmr one of which I managed to farm up to 4k in 50 games after calibration)

            It is important for you to play at a level you are confortable at. For example: If you train your Doom so weel to play really good you could possibly get to high skill, but even then if doom is a bad choice in the draft or the enemy picks it you will be rubbish on other heroes. This alone will get you right back to High skill. What you need to do is train most heroes at a certain level (20-30 games I reckon) Then you will progress to very high naturally. After that it's a whole different story.

            Also the hidden mmr fluctuates a LOT when you have few games. I played one game in normal bracket.. got 71 kills with zeus then got boosted to very high skill bracket instantly.

            General Tips

            1. If you don't know what to do kill something (creeps, neutrals, summons, heroes, couriers, wards etc)! Have no dead times when you are wandering around the map with no purpose.

            2. Have regen and use courier! Try not to go home every time you are low health. Stay safe on the lane( don't try to farm) and gain only exp as much as you can till your courier arrives with regen. Especially early game 1lvl is more important that 110 gold for a salve. Only go home when you are not safe even under the tower or the courier is used and it would take way too long for you to regen.

            3. Don't give up! From my experience the worst the players are the faster they give up. A good player understands that dota is built to be balanced. Gold and exp graphs should go up and down multiple times in a typical game. Some heroes/teams are better in early game some are better in late game and so on. A good fight, a tower and a roshan can catch up on 20 kills difference easy. If the opposite team has the advantage do this: GET WARDS, STAY BACK, WAIT FOR THEM TO OVEREXTEND AND PUNISH. Do this 1-2-3 times and you are leading now. Even if they are still farming while you stay 5 in your base it is better than you all dieing.

            4. Learn the mechanics! Practice, practice, practice! Perfect farm, perfect skill combos, perfect item-skill combos (sk dagger ulti) on every hero.

            5. Watch others play. Every time you press find game go to watch live game quickly and watch a random good game for 2-3 mins. Watch streams of pro players and so on.

            Good luck!

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     look at my departure
              I'm doing wrong ?

              We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                Kids and their smurfs.


                  well, don't be shit?

                  muted on main so made an alt for a day. intentionally feed in 2 games because fuck them, afk in another 2 because fuck them too. still VH lmao

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                    me and my friends started at 1.3K (literally all 5 of us).One of them stopped playing dota (prior commitments)
                    I progressed to about 2.8K,all my friends still stuck in mmr hell.Decide to make smurfs.

                    I tried to stop them.They think they are 4K material.I know they are not.Now i get flamed for picking fun heroes ;_;.

                    Edit:Well, i am still in mmr hell,but who isnt right? right?

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                      lol why am I in very high skill bracket ?

                      so pick sniper and you will get there lol lol lol


                        lawl Coco you needed to smurf to get there, don't give advices ^^

                        EZ MID 9k mmr


                            nah guys I've cracked the code


                            lose your first game and do nothing (slark). the rest is history, enjoy your VH. seriously, this kid didn't even fucking know what I meant when I told him to scout for wards, of course I had sand king telling me that silencer couldn't do that because he didn't have sentries.

                            but seriously, vh is nothing special

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                              i want a big mek wat to do?