General Discussion

General DiscussionCould anyone help me analyse a few of my PA games to help me out

Could anyone help me analyse a few of my PA games to help me out in General Discussion

    I wanna climb the ladder using PA, since I feel the most at ease with her.

    The 2 major builds I alternate between are

    Vlads -> Basher -> Deso -> Luxury (early end)


    Bfury -> Helm -> Luxury (illusion teams)

    I need help trying to understand which lineups is PA the worst against. The basic thing I can understand is nukers fuck her over, but what sorta carries should I not pick PA against.

    Im stuck at 2.8-2.9, and I want to get to high skill, so I've been trying to split push when possible, if fights don't go our way.


      i have some issues with your builds.

      you build PMS on her in many of your games, its actually not all that good on her compared to other cheep survivability items. Magic wand or a bracer will usually give you more EHP, since you already have evasion and high armor its only worth it to make PMS if you are being right click harassed a lot in lane.

      also life steal isn't all that grate on her until after you have a BKB, since as soon as the other team starts to focus you, you will generally get stun locked and bursted down before you have time to make many more attacks. if you haven't taken any damage yet it doesn't give you more survivability, so it only helps in fights when you take some damage but manage to keep fighting. if your not fighting much and just want sustain while farming then the regain from a Battle furry should be enough. granted if you are going to use it for an early rosh it could still be worth picking up early.

      you should really treat BKB as core on PA, occasionally you might not need it but probably 95% of the time you will. also I have never been too bothered by nukers as PA, really razor is the only hero who seems to fuck her over that badly. picking her is more about your own line up, PA doesn't bring that much to team fights unless she is snow balling so you should only pick her if your team has at least OK team fight and initiation.

      I am at peace (muted)

        If you want to get to high skills you must improve your mechanics first:

        DotaCinema is a great place to start:

        First learn to last hit (it does count to your rating): (use this drill)

        Learn how to flash farm. One thing I remember doing wrong even from dota 1 was that I always tried to keep my mana and skills in case I had to fight. Some heroes have good farming skills -USE THEM-

        Buy wards if you are support and learn when and where to place them:

        don't run to save teammate if you are carry.. you must farm all the time and join fights ONLY when you can win

        if you are a support learn how to stack and pull:

        To answer your question there are no heroes you should not pick pa against. If they have nukers stay safe early, get bkb ad fuck them, or ask teammate to pick omni or smth. There are a million builds which could work on pa. Armlet is a viable item, also ac you could even buy hex in some exdraordinary situation. I does not matter as much, the build. What matters is to adapt according to your enemy but also your team. If you have repel don't waste money on bkb, buy a dps item. If they have an omni and you can afford it get a diffusal to dispel ulti and repel. There are a million scenarios. By playing more and watching others you will gain experience and make better and better choices.

        Dota is a game of skill till you reach 3.5-4k mmr after that it is all decision making. But even before that at 2-3k mmr decision making si everything. To make good decisions you need wards (buy them yourself if your supports won't).

        Final thoughts:

        1. If you don't know what to do kill something (creeps, neutrals, summons, heroes, couriers, wards etc)! Have no dead times when you are wandering around the map with no purpose.

        2. Have regen and use courier! Try not to go home every time you are low health. Stay safe on the lane( don't try to farm) and gain only exp as much as you can till your courier arrives with regen. Especially early game 1lvl is more important that 110 gold for a salve. Only go home when you are not safe even under the tower or the courier is used and it would take way too long for you to regen.

        3. Don't give up! From my experience the worst the players are the faster they give up. A good player understands that dota is built to be balanced. Gold and exp graphs should go up and down multiple times in a typical game. Some heroes/teams are better in early game some are better in late game and so on. A good fight, a tower and a roshan can catch up on 20 kills difference easy. If the opposite team has the advantage do this: GET WARDS, STAY BACK, WAIT FOR THEM TO OVEREXTEND AND PUNISH. Do this 1-2-3 times and you are leading now. Even if they are still farming while you stay 5 in your base it is better than you all dieing.

        4. Learn the mechanics! Practice, practice, practice! Perfect farm, perfect skill combos, perfect item-skill combos (sk dagger ulti) on every hero.

        5. Watch others play. Every time you press find game go to watch live game quickly and watch a random good game for 2-3 mins. Watch streams of pro players and so on.

        Good luck!

        My biggest account is 4k. I play on very high skill almost all of my games on all my accounts.


          you probably shouldnt be split pushing with pa

          I am at peace (muted)

            pa = crit, buildings > crit, pa < buildings, crit > heroes, pa> heroes, nuker > pa, bkb > nuker, pa+bkb> nuker++

            Pom Pom 🍕

              I'm not sure why you would go butterfly on her. She doesn't need the evasion, enemies will get MKB anyways. Like this game
              If you want attack speed and survivability from right-clickers you should rather go AC if no one else does (especially against cleavers like sven, magnus and ember) or even skadi.

              I think you should try to farm more with her like in your last game. In some of your long games you don't have much lasthits for a PA. Maybe try to get battlefury more often, not only against illu heroes? It really helps on her farming speed, and it's not even bad on her in fights either because of your crits (in mid to low 3K a lot of players stack on each other, so cleaving with your crits is easy).

              Since you say you split-push with her I guess desolator is okay choice for taking towers faster, but in general I find it kinda poor since it is a midgame item that gives pure damage. No health, no mobility, no armour, only damage and armour reduction. Which is risky since she's a very squishy melee hero. Her only defensive ability protects her against autoattacks, but everything else will wreck you. For a less farming-oriented build you should maybe consider drums (+health, +damage, +mana, +mobility, +attack speed).

              Also nukers only fuck her over if you don't have BKB. You should normally get it as your first big item (small items being stuff like drums, vlads, hotd, yasha, aquilla) if not going battlefury (right after bf if it). It's very core on her since she's fragile and needs to be up close to do damage.

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                butterfly on pa is fine situationally

                also going drums bkb is a lot better than battlefury in a lot of the situations ppl get bfury on her. bfury is fine if the game is relatively close but if theres constant fighting drums bkb is preferable.

                or bracer aquila

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                Bad Intentions

                  to be honest, you should just try playing void to climb the ranks. void is more useful in team fights.

                  Miku Plays

                    Never go vlads, desolator is a situational item.

                    How about trying my build.

                    RoB, Phase, Drums, Basher, Bkb, helm to satanic, abyysal, any item that suits the game.

                    L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                      Lifesteal after that many items in my skill tier and accounting for my last hitting abilities would make it harder for me to fight, since I'm not the tankiest hero.

                      I just feel safer with a bit of lifesteal.

                      How would a morbid be betwen the drums and basher, and then build goes on?

                      L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                        And LOL one of your most recent games was a vlads basher deso

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                          Miku Plays


                            I said deso was situational.. I need the deso to quickly kill razor in teamfight

                            L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                              Fair enough.. Battlefury is pretty nice if got sub 14 minutes


                                ^^^deso + satanic????

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                                L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                  Also, I generaly go offlane with no support, so I need PMS


                                    Don't bother to pick her against doom or bane. If they get aghs, game will be hard.


                                      After months break i might return to this game.

                                      Hi, guys.
                                      If i may ask a question.
                                      Isn't PA a hero that very vulnerable to MKB.
                                      how does this hero is very popular according to the most played hero recently.
                                      Is there any tips and trick to fight a team that rushing mkb as their damage item?
                                      Did valve tweak PA?

                                      Miku Plays

                                        ^ PA arcana plus contract event


                                          vlad sucks, get phase and dominator


                                            @ lemmy, that's a good reason not to get PMS, bracer or magic wand will give you more EHP then PMS. you should be standing super far back and last hit with dagger if your soloing against a dual or tri lane, not going up to the wave and eating harass. if the other team does catch you out of position or push the wave into your tower and dive you most of the damage that you will be taking will be from spells, your only likely to take 3 or 4 right clicks so PMS will only give you 60 or 80 EHP, a bracer will give you 114 HP and a wand could give you as much as 282 HP and both of those values are increased more by armor and your evasion, or magic resistance before being calculated as EHP. PMS is only better if your in a 1v1 lane (maybe some 2v2 lanes) against a ranged hero who harasses you heavily (with right clicks) when you come up to the creep wave, but coming up to the creep wave WILL increase your CS and WONT risk your death.

                                            Este comentário foi editado
                                            L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                              What about stout at mid?


                                                in mid lane it will more often make sense to get a PMS. you will may find yourself in situations where you eat harass from the other mid laner in exchange for more last hits but you are at no risk of being killed out right. if you are going to be eating 20 or 30 right clicks over a period of 5 minutes in exchange for an additional 15 last hits then its worth it, but PMS/stout is more about making your HP regain more effective then about making you harder to kill.


                                                  ^ that doesn't mean you should always get it mid, if its a lane where you are forced to sit back near your tower and farm with dagger until the wave pushes up then PMS wont do much for you.


                                                    I personally like PMS-Bottle-PT-HoD-Maelstorm-BKB-Mjollnir-Basher on her. Mjollnir gives more dmg than Battlefury (u crit more often) & it has amazing active. Battlefury imo is only good when u have Magnus/Enigma in team, besides that cleave is useless in team fights.

                                                    kanye went to uni

                                                      i like vlad on safe lane pa :(


                                                        thats awful most likely


                                                          Hey Lemmy, If you're serious about climbing the ladder I think that 1 on 1 lessons are the fastest way to get better. Not that I'm a great player - but just playing with a 5000 MMR coach got me 400 MMR in two weeks. After that, I decided to build to make it easier to learn from people who are better than you. Maybe check it out?