General Discussion

General DiscussionSo I'm in SEA for the next 3 months (from playing AU) and I'm startin...

So I'm in SEA for the next 3 months (from playing AU) and I'm starting to really hate dota. in General Discussion

    Everything that can possibly annoy you in dota exists here.

    1. Non English speaking folks who queue for "English Speaking" games.
    2. Players who pick carries literally 10 seconds into the game.
    3. Everyone else picking carries right after that disastrous first pick.
    4. Players who pick support... and after they start taking CS from carries and building dagon you realise they're running some carry build.
    5. Players who refuse to listen to advice. i.e. I had a WK that picked super early and got countered with an AM pick and still insisted he was in 1st position and taking farm.

    I've quite literally dropped 1% in winrate just off playing on unranked and dare not even try ranked for fear that I lose 500 mmr in a go just randomly teaming up with any one of these players.

    Quit doto and do other stuff? Advice?

    Are there strategies I can take up to offset the retardation in 1-5?


      communication is way overated, just have good chat wheel binds and u will be fine


        You don't need good communication in pubs to make things work unless you have heroes that usually require it to be played somewhat to their potentional, like Wisp and Oracle.

        Blaming team-mates is the stupidest excuse, and you'll probably drop mmr because SEA server is harder than the nonpopulation AU server.


          ^ chat wheel binds can't explain to teamates certain things like. "you gotta rush out that MKB before that daedelus cuz PA has 50% evasion"


          "NP is going to teleport here, drop wards on the cliffs at this side to sight him out if he does."

          Iono, in AU communication is key to winning games since after all, dota is a team game.


          I something fuck up games. I recognise that. But I'm noticing that on average I lose more dealing with uncooperative teamates moreso than because my enemies played extremely well and we get outplayed.

          The thread isn't just here to mouth what I don't like about SEA, but also as a "please help with advice" query as to how I can play better within the SEA framework of play.

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            You're really stupid, aint you?

            I'm trying to be constructive and expect you to not have that short-minded opinions.

            You don't need your team-mate to rush MKB before deadalus cause PA has 50% evasion, you can win the game by your own moves nevertheless of what your team-mates does.

            "Normal Skill" "High Skill" Hell even majority of "Very High" players are utter trash, and you're at the bottom, trying to make communication key in pubgames?

            Dude, get down from the hill and grow some water. Most of us guys on dotabuff can win Normal Games with one hand.


              normal bracket games are toxic everywhere, just in different ways


                " but also as a "please help with advice" query as to how I can play better within the SEA framework of play."

                rely on counter initiation, rather than initiating yourself, imo initiating on someone requires more team coordination than reaction to it

                in a similar manner play heroes which are good counter initiators / non do-shit supports like lich omni assuming you are required to support

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                  ^ "I'm trying to be constructive and expect you to not have that short-minded opinions.

                  You don't need your team-mate to rush MKB before deadalus cause PA has 50% evasion, you can win the game by your own moves nevertheless of what your team-mates does."

                  Bro. You wouldn't understand how SEA plays out till you actually play here.

                  So calm your tits.

                  "normal bracket games are toxic everywhere, just in different ways"

                  Was in very high in Aus.

                  This kinda changed in SEA.

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                    Normal Skill
                    High Skill

                    Doesn't matter, if you're not mongo/trash you can win majority of your games by yourself.


                      "Normal Skill
                      High Skill

                      Doesn't matter, if you're not mongo/trash you can win majority of your games by yourself."

                      You're always welcome to try SEA servers and attempt to "win the game by yourself."

                      But then again seeing as it is that every hero you've played has sub 3 impact on almost all your games I think you're talking outta your ass on this one.



                        Noted. Will try your suggestion out.


                          boosting 2k, 3k, 4k accounts in SEA are not any harder than any other servers

                          source: 100% at 2k/3k 75% win rate at 4k+

                          its not the servers, frankly speaking.

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                          kanye went to uni

                            sea's a freaking cancerous place to play, i have to play there every year when i visit my mum in hk and i only play on alts

                            i mean idk if the skill level is lower or higher, im usually too busy being annoyed at people flaming each other/me to make an objective judgement. in terms of how annoying players are, sea's certainly worse at 3k-4k (i've never played outside that area) than aus.


                              just dont queue solo and expect good games more than 20% of the time unless you are 4k+

                              even with 2/3 stack you get matched up with other stacks and while there are still awful picks and plays its way better than solo queue.

                              Sup m8

                                I'm kinda in the exact same position as you. I'm American but I live in SEA atm and I can confirm all these problems are very real.I suggest insta-picking a high impact hero (usually mid) and trying to 1 v 5. I prefer storm or tinker and I works quite well for me.


                                  ^ Tbh. I'm slowly figuring out the best way to go about it is to work around team picks with offlaners (the lane nobody in SEA wants to play).

                                  Techies and Necrophos seem to be working well. (techies dependent on enemy lineup)

                                  Necrophos is great because I can run it as a support and slowly transition to core if team sucks shit, and its really versatile.

                                  Techies is a decent pick in SEA (not that good in AU) mainly because 50% of the time, the enemy team has selfish players and nobody wants to get gem/ sentries.

                                  Bad Intentions

                                    Long time sea player here. You need multi role heroes in here. Play only one role and youre doomed.


                                      SEA is hell , i barely see my friend can get out from the trench they are struggling on..even one that i think good player can't give any improvement in long time.

                                      Primordial Soup

                                        I want to try other servers...


                                          "Long time sea player here. You need multi role heroes in here. Play only one role and youre doomed."

                                          Any suggestions?


                                            It's all the same shit. Trust me when I say it.

                                            Bad Intentions


                                              high impact heroes, dont go pure support or pure carry, basically pick heroes that can do multiple roles.

                                              also, what mmr u in in ranked?

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                                              Don't Ban SF

                                                total support @ Zenoth :v


                                                  @bad intentions.

                                                  I climbed from 2800 to 3700 in AU over the course of 2 months. Was planning to hit 4k + when PA event happened and I just played unranked for items/ points.

                                                  Then moved over to SEA... not sure if I should resume the MMR climb or wait for another 3 more months where I'm back in AU.

                                                  What I used to do in AU for solo would be to pick last, focus on counterpicking cores that allow me to dominate lanes then snowball into a win by about 30-40 minutes.


                                                    "Long time sea player here. You need multi role heroes in here. Play only one role and youre doomed."

                                                    Any suggestions?

                                                    have a set of heroes for spare roles and have a couple of heroes for ur main role

                                                    good cop-outs
                                                    zeus mid, lich support, necrophos carry


                                                      ^ take your own advice first


                                                        face it - you're noob and you just belong to that bracket.

                                                        If your skill level is supposedly higher than the rest of your team, you'd be able to carry them 1v5 np.

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                                                          You don't understand.

                                                          I can't even pick carry to carry them because they instapick carries before I do.

                                                          Who then buys wards? Who plays support?

                                                          Unless you're suggesting I legit pick slark every game into a game which already has PA, Void, TB, (insert random hard carry here) and attempt to out last hit the carries I stated above when they usually buy quelling blade, earning their ire and their future non cooperation.

                                                          I don't think you've ever played in SEA before lol.


                                                            Oh noes

                                                            NextStep ®

                                                              Can't you play support? lol

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                                                                  ^ I do, I then spend 10 minutes trying to convince my carry that he needs to rush out BkB because the enemy has silencer about to get aghs and he proceeds to buy a crystalis.

                                                                  It's frustrating.

                                                                  Oh wait, or that one match I recently played where Medusa goes ancient farming. Comes out 30 minutes later with a skadi and then leaves then game at 40 minutes because he's going 0/8.

                                                                  (comment above deleted cuz double post)

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                                                                  Bad Intentions


                                                                    basically, you have to pick heroes that can do multi roles. be prepared to sometimes support and carry the team.

                                                                    looks like youre winning again, see, high impact heroes, thats the key in sea.


                                                                      @Bad Intentions it's funny seeing you here giving advice since you're exactly the kind of prick OP is talking about. First picks Riki for the offlane, then blames the last guy for picking a support. Oh yeah, let's not forget the constant bitching throughout the game, despite you barely contributing anything to the team.

                                                                      "be prepared to sometimes support and carry the team" - best line ever, especially since you did the EXACT OPPOSITE!

                                                                      Match link for reference:


                                                                        @Bad intentions.

                                                                        All 3 games which I won were with a 5 stack. (or a 3 stack, axe and sniper were pubs, axe was decent tho I don't quite understand that bloodstone pickup. That sniper was terrible, we coulda ended 10 mins earlier but he refused to push with the team when we were going for raxes.)


                                                                        I still have abysmal luck trying to win solo queuing.

                                                                        (edit: Also, my meepo is terrible, my friend ended up carrying me on Ember Spirit)

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                                                                          I am trying to climb mmr atm and even tho i do not play in SEA i can safely say that what i say is relevant to all low skill so called "trenches". After all we have mighty russian doto on EU West and East so i had my fair share of carry lockers and double midders. So i can share some stuff i found usefull for my mmr climb journey :

                                                                          1. Don't play heroes <45% winrate.

                                                                          Even if you think that your Bounty hunter is good, 33% is way too low so you should stop playing it or start playing some normal matches to train your skills with him. For example, i think i am decent at playing invoker but my winrate sux so after i decided i wont play him or any hero with sub 45% winrate my mmr gain increased.

                                                                          2. Don't pick ultra hard supports

                                                                          If you have to support, pick something that has a lot of impact and doesn't rely too much on proper execution from your team. For instance, you play CM with a friend and you have rly good coordination with your cm and you execute perfectly your pulls, you even get a kill on the offlaner. Next thing you know, your offlane sven turns the game into "ff plz" after feeding to a void lion lane and they proceed to wreck you. On the other hand, a well cast witch doctor ult or a skywrath combo does wonders in our trench at all stages of the game. Dazzle and omni seem to be pretty good cause you keep your idiotic team alive and when the game goes 50+ minutes which is quite often in this skill lvl that's what matters the most. Necro is broken as well, abuse him with ags as much as you can.

                                                                          3.TP's work as magic in trenches.

                                                                          I am not really sure if the majority of players around 3k know that i can actually BUY AND USE a tp to come to a lane when they are diving on our tower and proceed to get a double kill with a friggin CM. Imagine if you are mid and you do a crucial tp somewhere when they don't even suspect that you might have a tp in your inventory. One of my last games - i was storm mid and bot was getting dived by aba sven and WK (don't ask bout the picks lol) -----> proceed to TP -----> triple kill with a 3 lvl advantage on them, they actually realised i was there after abadon died and i started nuking sven. Make your own conclusions :D

                                                                          4. Always try to get one of the 3 core positions

                                                                          For me usually mid is the hardest to get so i really like to pick tide and go offlane. It is rly ez to not die cause you are tanky as f*ck and with some carefull ancient stacking and proper farming skills you can get an early dagger and proceed to wreck sh*t.

                                                                          If someone on your team decides by any chance to play support (OMG RLY LOL OK BRO TY), proceed to bless them and tell them what a wonderful job they are doing, while they are actually feeding the other team and you say that only to make them buy f*cking wards. DOESN'T MATTER!! If you are decent at hard carry, you wont have any difficulties owning the other team even without the proper supports but the wards at proper spots are really crucial for you to not get owned while you try to outfarm the other team.

                                                                          If you get to play mid, it's pretty much up to you to win the game and destroy their lanes. Get snowballing ASAP and you will see that what matters the most is how YOU perform and not that much your team. Besides, if you are winning the early game you can pretty much make the others actually listen to your advice and do what you want them to do. Careful with that tho, cause sometimes my teammates are rly litteral and take my word for executing plays they wouldn't and shouldn't normally do.

                                                                          5. Don't AFK jungle and try to discourage your team from doing it

                                                                          I have lost too much games because someone decides a LD jungle would be a good idea when they don't have a f*cking clue how to efficiently farm. I only jungle enigma and prophet cause they can be really effective at all stages of the game. Otherwise, unless you really know what you're doing, don't go jungle.

                                                                          6. Stay calm

                                                                          If you start flaming, it's over. I am quite a rager myself and i start really easily to blame others when a game goes wrong. But if you get emotional, that hurts severly YOUR decision making, YOUR gameplay and most of all YOUR attention to detail. + it doesn't accomplish anything and you might hurt others' gameplay too. It doesn't matter if you are playing with Mr. Potato and Mr. Carrot, if you start doing it or someone else already did and it got to you, mentally you lost the game. MUTE MUTE MUTE take a few steps around your chair after you've died ingame, calm yourself concentrate and try to win this.

                                                                          7. It's YOUR mmr you are trying to improve

                                                                          You will have bad teams and good teams. But if you can carry a bad team to the win, then it should be a roflstomp with a good team. So at the end of the day, you need to improve YOUR skills and not those of your teammates to be able to carry those bad teams. Don't try to teach them and telling them "RUSH MKB AGAINST THAT PA" won't help if they don't understand that simple counter. You waste YOUR important time and concentration on f*cking teaching a noob not to die to blinking ursa or a storm spirit. If they don't understand it before it happens and after their deaths ingame, then it serves no purpose actually explaining them how to not repeat their mistake.

                                                                          8. Be a tryhard

                                                                          You see a PA on the opposing team going mid? Guess i am playing razor mid this game. Void on their team? Bane is my name. Try to counterpick as much as possible. If you rly want to win and climb, you need to use every advantage possible. I saw a meepo first pick sometime ago and guess what we did with my 2 buddies? ES+ES+ES combo = gg since micro is not present in 3k games. That meepo player won't pick it first again, i can safely say that.

                                                                          To conclude this essay, i can only hope that my trench insights have been helpful to you and that it could serve you to climb effectively some MMR. Ty gl hf ez katka



                                                                            Thanks really good advice man. Thanks.

                                                                            Gonna try to see if I can edge out more wins solo queuing.