General Discussion

General DiscussionI cant play other heroes

I cant play other heroes in General Discussion
Miku Plays

    I only have a small pool of heroes and my support heroes sucks right now, i use to play them really well but for some reason i just cant do the same right now... any suggestions on how to get them back??


      It's ok as long as you are so cute.

      आप गे क्यों

        if u are cute and u suck right now, you will be popular. At least among guys :blush:

        if u want to good at your supports IN NORMAL MODE. First pick a support that can be effective till late. Ie, Witch doctor, Ogre.
        Because u need something to fall back on if the carry goes rogue and doesn't know how to push/gank

        1. Win lane 2. Farm and ward 3. Go with farmed carry and win

        How small is your hero pool and the heroes u wanna improve btw

        Miku Plays

          Carry : LC, PA, LS, Troll
          Mid : Viper
          Tank : Axe
          Supports : Venomancer*, Lion*, Earthshaker*, Sandking, Ogre

          those with asterisk, i cant play them really good now but used to. :[

          Este comentário foi editado

            ya the doc and ogre are op right now, try them out and see what happens!

            for ES, this hero really needs blink so in that sense its kind of a greedy and isnt even a good lane support. but he is amazing in a tri and good at ganking mid if there is kill potential. idk, i dont play the hero much but it seems like you have to setup a lot of kills early to work towards blink since he has no other way to farm it


              GL Hatsune, your hero pool is 11 times larger than mine lol.

              आप गे क्यों

                so you want to get better at lion, veno and es?

                then read their guide/watch a replay of the pros and play a ton of it.

                ez 4k mmr


                  Not trying to be offensive, but I highly doubt that you can play any of those heroes that well, simply because you probably have mediocre mechanical ability and relatively low game knowledge. I'm not trying to size you up against 7k players or something here, but almost any 5k or even 4k player could probably pick out any of those heroes and play them better than you. The types of skills and knowledge that I mentioned earlier are the kind that apply to every hero in the game, its the reason that top tier players can easily play better than autists like typhox who spam one hero over and over.

                  Although being comfortable with every hero would be great, there isn't much wrong with focusing on a smaller pool of heroes provided that you are giving yourself some flexibility that would cover a wide range of scenarios, and its probably worthwhile adding OP heroes to your pool while they last.

                  I mean your veno builds are fucking god awful..from your match stats, I can't say that you can play Viper well either. You need to be dominating your lane with him and shutting down the enemy mid, in the few games that I saw, your cs/min was extremely low, you had very few denies and the other mid seemed to do alright. Not trying to pretend that I'm any good with these heroes or any hero for that matter, this is just my interpretation of how one should begin to get a better understanding of the game and heroes.

                  I would start with a small pool of heroes for each role (but covers a broad range of scenarios), and work on really getting good with them. Understanding their strengths and taking advantage of them. As you improve mechanically (which should be something you are always working on) and your game knowledge improves, you will become increasingly proficient not only with these heroes, but also the game. If you have crazy mechanical skills, then adding a hero like OD to the mix will be a breeze.

                  Watching a pro/top level pub player play a hero is an extremely good place to start.

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                    The thing with new heroes is that you can't farm efficiently while looking at minimap every 2 seconds. Also, the heroes you've played for hundreds of times you can play them comfortably in any role. I bet you'd have higher chance to win a game with support LC then with support ogre.

                    IVLIVS CAESAR



                        Why change of hero?

                        Just play support Legion Commander. :)


                          (My english is bullshit)

                          if you switch characters, nothing will change if your performance is bad. If you want to improve your MMR, play solo mid/hc and farm as if there were no tomorrow.

                          SOJU FIGHTER

                            Is she a girl? / GRILL?

                            Este comentário foi editado

                              yeah "she" is usually a girl except if you have...uh..different preferences.

                              Edit:and johns are usually men in my experience.

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                                i have the same problem, for me it due to mechanical limitations

                                your hero pool seems quite diverse in playstyles so not sure what might be your problem, how long ago was you "used to", might be changes in meta or changes in mmr, when you used to be alot lower


                                  lol play sniper, pick sniper
                                  sniper = best hero !

                                  waku waku

                                    just play pudge all the time
                                    or oracle

                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                      just play earth spirit offlane. He so freaking strong. I lost 5 games learning him recently but worth the learning process. I'm by no where good at earth spirit despite my win rate. I miss combos and everything yet hes still so good.

                                      Ps. Just realised I got featured in dota fails of the week 117 on earth spirit gg. :(

                                      Sup m8

                                        rofl XD you are famous now at least!


                                          lols to be honest it was a shitty episode. The fail was that it was a double teamwipe and that I was too greedy? But i traded my life with their sf mid. o.O whatever free publicity! *not really.