General Discussion

General DiscussionIn an attempt to stop myself from being such a crying b*tch part 3

In an attempt to stop myself from being such a crying b*tch part 3 in General Discussion
Mr Mental
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    Flat is Justice!

      get a fucking soul ring. if theres a core item on ogre, thats it.

      Miku Plays

        soul ring best item on ogre

        ill give you how i play ogre

        1. buy courier/tango/soulring recipe/2x branch
        2. get stun
        3. pull and farm soulring
        4. follow the skill build i gave you in last thread
        5. harass the offlaner till he shits himself
        6. get tranqs and do some rotation if needed


        With your Lion game, well you got outdrafted. theres a nyx while 3 in your team are nyx food

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          1st game. You needed force staff instead of blink (they have clockwerk and pa)
          2nd game. Terrorblade really weird dude. With proper sentry warding or gem nyx cant kill you so hard.


            "Tell me what i could have done."

            Even if u are so good player that doesnt mean u will win all games, despite u do everything u can. If u win 30 games out of 50 it is good result. U cant win them all. So look at ur total results for month and estimate did u rise or fall .

            One thing i can advice is dont play full sups in games<4k mmr. No point. Try to get semisup.

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                He said don't play full support. i.e. perma ward bitch/smoke/tp saving everyone.

                A WD who farms up aghs and rakes up tons of kills and still go wards around is an example of semi sup.


                  Warlock too.