General Discussion

General DiscussionGame not showing on Dotabuff, but showing in Dota.

Game not showing on Dotabuff, but showing in Dota. in General Discussion
Astro Cactus

    I played a game the other day as Earthshaker, and it's not showing in my profile. I've lost like 500 mmr in a few weeks. It's the worst, so I'd like to see one of the few victories I have.

    This is my profile as of now. -

    This is a screenshot of my recent games in Dota -

    I'd love it if it would turn up!

    This is the match id - 1074614348



      well I would usually say that you had match sharing turned off, but I tried to find the match in question and cant, so I would assume that there is some kind of problem with that particular match, though I have no idea what that may be- possibly due to problems with API recently

      Astro Cactus

        Yeah I assume there was a loss of connection with API, because I have match sharing on all the time. I just want to know if there's a way that they can refresh my list or something. I know when you sign up it looks at your last 500 matches or something like that right? So they can look at old games in some way. Just hope they can look at this one!

        Astro Cactus

          Wonderful, thank you!