General Discussion

General DiscussionDotabuff Hero Rankings

Dotabuff Hero Rankings in General Discussion
Slow Hands

    I do like to keep a tab on my hero rankings and how the scores change from game to game but I feel as if I'm missing something with this system as to how some games I can lose a massive amount of points even after having a big game.

    Case in point -

    That's the ranking before my most recent game and then after along with the stats of the most recent game. I don't really understand how my division can change from Diamond 5 to Platinum 10 after just a single game which was a two man party MMR with someone that has a slightly better party MMR than myself (my party MMR is lower than solo).

    Whilst I find the Dotabuff ranking system interesting to follow, I just don't understand how my division can drop so much in one game which I'm guessing has resulted in me somehow losing -128 points after a single game in which I won.


      from my limited understanding of the system, they look at your recent games and then decide what your bracket should be, so its not just your abaddon games. your recent games include a large number of normal and high skill games which is dragging it down, which is obviously because of your unranked games. I think a good change would be for them to only include ranked games...


        no shit... but they are too retarded to do that. Tehfuuckards even count lp games.