General Discussion

General DiscussionAbandon vs KDA

Abandon vs KDA in General Discussion

    Just curious.. so one of my short term goals is to improve my KDA.. I find though, that normally I rack up a lot of my deaths after the match is already lost and enemy is way overpowered. Proper fix for that is, of course, don't let opposing team get out of hand. But I've had some games (a just recent one in fact) where an ally rage-quits early when the deficit is only slight and the rest of us go on to put up a good fight in the end.. had that ally not left.. who knows? maybe we would have still lost.. maybe not..

    Question is, that made me wonder.. how many people abandon just to avoid the possibility of poor KDA? Is it even worth trying to improve that stat when a game that suddenly landslides due to abandons can totally wreck it? Or is it just part of my inexperience that I stick it out and suffer the defeat when things start to go south?

    I've seen pro competitive games on youtube and, yeah, there, teams will all 'gg' and dc when they see it's clearly lost.. and I respect that. But it's different in low level pubs.. it's not always so clear cut. Anyway, should I be abandoning and eating the low pri penalty when things seem bad or stick it out (as I do) and say to hell with my KDA? What's considered to be more socially acceptable by dota2 community?


      turn off match sharing when you have bad kda before the game ends and ure fine.


        Be a man, go and hide :) but seriously they have deservedly won the game so let them finish, I generally try get a blink and then make my way into their jungle to farm, they never look there. EZ GPM and no deaths = loss profit.