General Discussion

General DiscussionI'm looking for a team

I'm looking for a team in General Discussion
gertouille la fripouille

    Hello guys, i've been playing dota for a long time now, and i'd like to take the game more seriously and participate in tournaments and stuff.

    I can play on US east or europe servers.

    I can play any role, apart from mid, as you can see on my dotabuff.

    My english is okay, but i'm french, so i may have some problems communicating with teamates, but i'll understand everything you say.
    I have a working mic.

    So, you can add me on steam or just reply here if you're interested !

    SalaciousCrome you'll find it very hard for a serious team to take you in, try listing yourself on there.

      gertouille la fripouille

        Thanks for the link Havoc, i'll try here