General Discussion

General DiscussionHavoc must be proud of me

Havoc must be proud of me in General Discussion

    Axe lost?


      Your item choices aren't that bad so it must be something with how you're laning him or your efficiency in jungling. You can add me if you want to watch a couple of my games.


        Yeah I have watched a couple of those, you're getting good at Axe which is nice to see. You need to work on your re-engage though.

        Sometimes its better to call, back out of the fight then blink back in after your team have done their work and clean up the stragglers.


          ^ thats how i get rampages with axe, lol :D

          waku waku

            Either i've got rusty as him or my playstyle has become unsuitable after moving to a higher bracket ;_;


              ^ PA is actually really good vs Axe as is lifestealer.

              POG U POG CHAMP

                havoc the monster lasthiter...


                  You know mental fruit you are welcome to add me and watch my games or ask questions if you want.