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General Discussion(Offtopic) Need good shows for recommendation

(Offtopic) Need good shows for recommendation in General Discussion
Low Expectations

    I liek Dexter, GoT and Breaking Bad saw couple of episodes of Vikings but didnt really like it, any suggestions?


      Red Band Society
      Although it's more of a teen girl thing and I only started it because my gf half forced me to.

      Deadshot, if you are a female girl who also has already seen The Fault in Our Sombreros and the likes of that, I highly recommend this.


        Then see a couple more. Vikings are dope.


          My Little Pony, duh.

          Dire Wolf

            Surprised you don't like vikings if you like those other shows.

            Try sons of anarchy. It's in the final season right now and it's awesome. Also season 2 and 3 of walking dead were kind of meh but the current one is GREAT and 4 was pretty good too. It you can slog through the first 3 it's worth it.


              Boardwalk Empire - set during prohibition and follows nucky thompson (bootlegger), al capone (??!!), lucky luciano (father of the mafia), Meyer Lansky (ownage) and some other very memorable characters.

              Dire Wolf

                That one's good too, or you can go a little more old school with sopranos and the wire. Best two shows ever made.

                Sōu ka

                  i have watched sopranos like a year ago and tv shows have improved a fuck ton since back then
                  its still good and you can see how it influenced things that came afterwards but i wouldn't recommend it for someone who hasn't been watching many shows
                  the wire is getting a remaster starting late this month so i would hold on to that as well

                  netflix has some good shows i have watched both house of cards as well as orange is the new black and both were really good
                  just gonna list other shows that i really liked:
                  true detective, fargo, rectify, the leftovers, misfits, hannibal

                  Este comentário foi editado

                    watch suits, house, house of cards? (the politics series)


                      +1 to Boardwalk Empire
                      also this


                        Avatar the last airbender


                          Walking Dead, Spartacus

                          You are not much fan of comedy?


                            True Detective is right up there with breaking bad and got. Its a tv show but the cinematography or w/e the word is, is amazing, really good story line and characters, pretty short as well. You might not understand what is going in on the first 2 episodes but you will put it together eventually, I've re-watched the series so many times already, 10/10.

                            Hannibal is also an excellent show, I don't want to say more because I feel like that would ruin it, definitely watch this. Suits is also a nice show to keep up with, not as good as these other shows but one I would watch 100%.

                            I would not recommend House of Cards. For me its a show that could very easily be a top tier show but they fucked it up so badly with their formula, they treat the audience like retards, the parody on that talk show really summed up how corny/stupid the entire show is

                            Este comentário foi editado
                            kanye went to uni

                              veep > everything else

                              Low Expectations

                                Thanks for all the suggestions, I try like 2 more vik episodes I guess, and at least see 3 episodes of everything else during the Christmas break
                                Forgot to mention House of Cards that shows is so guud but it feels like the next season wont come in forever.

                                I like comedy but I prefare stupid shows like IT crowd or Workaholics that you dont have to engage yourself in to understand



                                  Dire Wolf

                                    I was trying to mention stuff similar to the shows listed, but if you like pretty much any genre...

                                    Suits is really good, homeland season 1 is good, 2 is weird, haven't watched 3. Old school ER episodes are great. Battlestar galactica is a great series, was on netflix last I checked. Archer is really, really funny. Cartoon about a spy agency it's sort of like a mashup between south park and james bond.

                                    Low Expectations

                                      ^Actually ER is not entertaining at all after med school because you can predict what the patient will have after 5 min so its super anticlimactic waiting for 40 min for someone to do what you know will be done at start.
                                      But I will check Suits out I think

                                      Este comentário foi editado

                                        IT Crowd and workaholics are both great. If you like stupid shows you might like the eric andre show, its an anti-talk show, funny shit. blue mountain state for some cheap laughs, peep show, the office, etc

                                        NextStep ®

                                          Waiting for Heroes Reborn 2015.


                                            omg yeah blue mountain state is so good... and the series thats gonna have a movie soon too!!!! hmm ENTOURAGE :DDD...
                                            but a guy once called it the male version of sex and the city -.-'

                                            Sōu ka

                                              suits has a really good first season imo but the other seasons after that are kinda stale and repetitive but still somewhat enjoyable
                                              heroes died after season one
                                              wonder what monkey was in charge of character design and character development after the first season i dont see how you could fuck that up any harder
                                              if you want something funny without a real story californication is not bad and it definitely has its moments


                                                i 2nd archer.


                                                  The Americans, Banshee, The Office, Community, Scrubs, Malcolm, Homeland, Weeds, Oz, Defying Gravity, Battlestar Galactica, Damages, Six Feet Under

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                                                  My computer is shit

                                                    ^ poster above me knows good shows

                                                    banshee is so dope

                                                    Este comentário foi editado
                                                    kanye went to uni

                                                      +1 to archer

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        Weeds got really weird after first two or three seasons but the first few were great. Same with damages, first season killer, 2nd one meh, third I didn't even finish.


                                                          DC Arrow
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                                                          Linda | DotaExchange

                                                            Newsroom ftw


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