General Discussion

General DiscussionIf it works....

If it works.... in General Discussion

    would be nice to watch games without the need to be in the client


      yeah looks nice ill try it out later


        You can watch them without the client but I think the person playing has to have a beta account


          it totally works


            Now all we need is Valve to provide me with decent internet speeds so I can stream without my ping skyrocketing to 500+


              it's pretty cool, hopefully they will make it work for more browser than Chrome, Safari and Steam soon though

              NextStep ®

                Not working for mobile platform.


                  is it free camera or player perspective like streaming/twitch?
                  "Sam Fuckin' Peckinpah's client must be updated to support Steam Broadcasting"
                  how do u activate this or whatever

                  Este comentário foi editado

                    they need to enable it (steam beta).
                    so if you want to spectate sam's games he has to enable it.
                    but i think this feature will be implemented on steam pretty soon, because it is good.


                      o fuckk that steam beta is buggy as fuck

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        Wtf dude you stalkin' me? But what bugs are you talking about? I was using it but saw no difference so just cancelled it.


                          no i just wanted to see how it looks like but i saw it on some other friend. i remember having some problems with dota/steam and u would fix them by just turning beta off