General Discussion

General Discussionwhat do you pick vs earth spirit

what do you pick vs earth spirit in General Discussion

    seriously fucking retarded nerds insta picking this shti every single game


      You get BKB and then the hero is literally a support with just a force staff.


        by the time you get bkb THE GAME FUCKING ENDS

        Fuyumi Ai Best Waifu

          but his ult goes through bkb anyway


            Anything rly.... best counter is to outplay him and evade him




                Huskar is crap in any 5k+ matches


                  wat no


                    6500 slahser plays huskar sometimes

                    waku waku



                        Vroksnak says pick husk

                        grim says dont

                        i like vroksnak. oracle+huskar=death to the phonies


                          @DRANK VODKA WON DOTKA
                          ++++++ ORACLE


                            slark and huskar are probably the 2 carry that works best against earth

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              Lifestealer, although you can't let him silence you.

                              Sōu ka

                                i dont think u can kill people with naix when theres an earthspirit on the other team
                                oh waits thats every hero in the game

                                Game is hard!

                                  This is why ES is OP, you cannot counter him.

                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                    did someone say counter?
                                    DOOM IS ALWAYS THE ANSWER KIDS.


                                      kotl with mana drain, silencer, huskar


                                        Slark as a counter to ES coming from matrice? color me intrigued and pls explain because I thought es was one of the few strong counters slark had with all his aoe status bullshit


                                          @matrice really? i also thought slark gets countered by es if he gets silence off before dark pact


                                            dotabuff has slark listed as ES's best match up, with husker, ursa and drow listed as his worst match ups. although I cant see how ursa is good against him, it seems like ES would just push him away or roll away himself, so that one might just be deep trench ES players trying to right click deep trench ursa players.


                                              slark doesn't give a shit about es spells cuz he has 1st skill, and if he is under the ultimate debuff he can just hide in the trees and regen through it, after that es ez kill.

                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                He isn't good against ES, like almost nobody is, but still one of the best because of his regen and dispel.


                                                  He is counter by silence hex bkb and outplaying him when u gank stay near and stand in his face when he roll just like u should do when ganking slark
                                                  imo he is really strong but the thing that make him even stronger is that ppl dont know how to play against him
                                                  Im not saying he is not op he have done 2.3k dmg on me before only with ulti ...


                                                    for you to not get Darkpact off, Earth Spirit has to play through a slew of animations. Granted, Dotabuff statistics say that Slark is one of the worst heroes against him, so there's that. Apparently ursa is a counterpick, wat?

                                                    Pom Pom 🍕

                                                      I guess Ursa is a counter since you can always have overpower on unless purged when the silence goes on him (10 second cooldown/15 second duration)


                                                        sky>es since forever
                                                        cent also good, basically every hero who has 5k base hp

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