General Discussion

General DiscussionSmurf Detection for Unranked Party MMR

Smurf Detection for Unranked Party MMR in General Discussion

    AFAIK each account has 4 different mmr's (two if you haven't unlocked ranked yet).

    Anyone aware of how party mmr is calculated? It takes your unranked solo mmr for the first game, and then they're calculated separately right?

    Well, my brother is just starting dota and I played a few games with him from a smurf account and we stomped pretty hard. It hit me the other day, if my smurf account has already passed the calibration phase then it's going to bump my noob brother up to a super high skill tier where he isn't going to win any games. So I played some games with him on my real account and we got rekt since he wasn't able to do much of anything and everyone of the other team was pretty decent.

    How long does the smurf detection last? Would I be able to play some games with him where we just feed rampantly to bring his mmr back down to where it should be or is his account fucked until he gets to a decent skill level?


      super high skill?? Is that better than very high?

      Anyways, why would you throw games on purpose to lower your mmr? Let him play at high skill, he might learn things there. He will lose and eventually and up where is is suppose to be. Only difference is he would have learned a thing or two. Throwing doesnt teach you anything except how to ruin other peoples games.

      Then again I dont get why people smurf in the first place, so what do I know...


        How long does the smurf detection last?
        i think its at least 50+ games, i had an account where i threw to normal skill after 40+ games of afk + proper games and it took like 5 games to get back to vh which shows its still active there

        Would I be able to play some games with him where we just feed rampantly to bring his mmr back down to where it should be or is his account fucked until he gets to a decent skill level

        smurf detection works only for the smurf account i dont understand what youre trying to ask/say here


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            so i let my friend use my account and look its beautiful