General Discussion

General DiscussionSeems impossible to win ranked with PA at this point.

Seems impossible to win ranked with PA at this point. in General Discussion

    Apart from the stigma of picking PA and having people rage before game even begins

    Every game lately seems to have an obnoxious person. Having a bad game is still ok, but every game has been full of toxic people who just state they want to troll, in ranked.

    My party mmr is too low for me to play with people here and raise it, hence I play solo. Is there any way to improve my experience to prevent myself from having the worst time of my life.

    Games in question : Legion keeps on shitting on me for not getting a kill, while feeding about 40 dmg in duels to Templar "just for fun" : Brood legendary shittalk, anyone with dotabuff plus who wants to read the chat log can see, but a few golden bits are-

    Broodmother Broodmother: and I bit slark in the nutsack.
    18:56Broodmother Broodmother: oh look PA still soloing top.
    19:04Broodmother Broodmother: like we need PA to push with a broodmother.
    19:15Broodmother Broodmother: please report this fucking asstard PA.

    Broodmother Broodmother: can't wait to see PA's gpm score after all that solo wiffing last hits bot lane.

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      Can't prevent.
      Mute them.


        you can play party ranked with me and my friend if you want- we have had a lot of success lately as you can see raising our mmr by 200+ in a week- would be cool to have another player :p


          Finally, fruits of labor are sweet xD

          Dizi, I see you in game when I'm playing and a lot of the time when I'm playing it's training for our weekly league game or me trading. Ill message you in steam


            I was going to post a serious response until I saw "I bit slark in the nutsack" lololol

            Dire Wolf

              PA is so overplayed now I think people are better at countering her. But it's impossible to win any game when TA snowballs like that.