General Discussion

General DiscussionDragon Knight

Dragon Knight in General Discussion
playinginursockdrawer mm soc

    I've started liking the hero, but I feel like I'm playing him wrong. I'm not sure whether my play looks good because my team is stomping, or my team is stomping because I'm good at Dragon Knight (by good I mean better than the others in my bracket).

    I like to play Dragon Knight as a hero that can become extremely bulky quickly by being able to farm and stack ancients, pressure towers, push out lanes with his Q, and farm the jungle early with a quelling blade and his passive. This allows him to get a Satanic, BKB, Halberd, and AC (the list goes on) quickly so that you can have a high impact in teamfights. However, I don't like getting a drum/bottle/soul ring because I think that Dragon Knight doesn't need too much mana, and buying these items delays your HotD timing to stack ancients.
    But I don't know where he fits into a team, as there is no such thing as 'pick tank', and his only damage steroid is splash damage in a small area.

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      Depends on which dk you play. Bottle is core for mid.

      Soulring is core for offlane, to make pressure with your nuke.


        And yes, one way or another, he needs mana for laning phase. Everything you do, you'll just do better since his high hp regen loves soulring with that nuke, ir scales good.

        Dire Wolf

          I've been wondering this too, I can't figure out his role. He doesn't quite farm fast enough/scale enough to be a legit hard carry safe lane. Yeah he hits hard with right items but is he going to out carry a void or spectre safe lane? And he's a good ganker if you go shadow blade or blink but those severely limit your dmg and durability delaying those items.

          I also don't like helm on him because stacks always get fucked up in pubs for one (someone else goes to clear it or your team gets pushed and enemy clears it) and cus it requires his ult to clear them so it may be on cooldown later when you need it.

          I really like playing him and soul ring is legit, but I think he's probably only good in an aggressive offlane or middle. It seems every game I play him depends more on my team than me. This last one qop and mirana and windranger were always top being quite aggressive. We fended them off ok, I started like 2-2-0, farm not great. Our middle was a leshrac and he never rotated. Our offlane couldn't stop alch from farming or push hard enough and we lost. Not a lot I can do when mid won't rotate, supports are getting creamed, cus DK isn't that good playing from behind. Maybe you have to go ganking build at that point.


            Shit hero in my opinion, well from personal experience. Good as a backup carry or tanker.


              I like dk in the solo queue because if supports don't prevent you getting harassed you can skill up e and continue farming
              Surprised his global winrat is so low but I suspect it's due to players not creep stacking with helm?


                get Helm of the dominator and stack ancients then turn into dragon form and get lots of gold

                Dire Wolf

                  He doesn't farm that well though. His passive is decent but his dmg is crap, he's too reliant on his breath to farm waves. But go into jungle or something, he doesn't rotate and clear it that well, just pushes waves. I'm just talking from my personal experience, I find sniper and wraith king easier to farm with.


                    I don't see why you cant bottle DK ask offlane now that two runes spawn...

                    Soul ring seems better for safe lane.

                    Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                      "as there is no such thing as 'pick tank'" - there is. When you have glass canons in your team. OD and Drow Ranger are prime examples.

                      Dire Wolf

                        You can definitely bottle offlane dk. Push lane with fire breath, go get rune. Problem is a lot of enemy teams camp runes now as well, it's not guaranteed free rune. Safe lane runes are really hard to get, cus even pushing all the way to their tower it gets push back past the river/rune really quickly.


                          dk can carry safelane ez, you just dont 6slot him before you fight, you play him like riki and fight after your first item. it's not good in solo queue though, you want someone you trust supporting you because he needs hardcore babying before the first item. kotl+dk in the safe lane is an easy way to win a days matches with your best friend