General Discussion

General DiscussionDota Lore, Which hero has the best story?

Dota Lore, Which hero has the best story? in General Discussion

    I think Bounty Hunter's is pretty epic!


      Tb has a badass story


        1 of the few I haven't seen will check it out later.


          Zeus . He was a god but became mortal to make up for cheating on his wife or something like that


            Sniper is just a midget who shot a buck between the eyes and now must do it again because reasons.


              magina and tb used to be brothers.
              mirana escaped from scourge and joined sentinel looking for revenge
              clockwerk was a weapon deactivated and reactivated by sentinel.
              nevermore- some demon that scares his enemies
              alche- some greedy nigga
              ursa- furbolg that went to sentinel for protection from scourge's invasion