General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat mmr must i be to be considered decent at the game.

What mmr must i be to be considered decent at the game. in General Discussion
Mr Mental

    I don't know.


      I'd say somewhere above 4k. I'd personally expect a 4k player to know most mechanical aspects of the game.
      But then again, decent is something very subjective, whats decent in the eyes of professional player might differ from a casual 2,5k player.


        i think every player that "Improving" will get to 5k.. and 3k,3k5,4k,4k5 justs a field with a different type of playstyle that if u can understand your "Field" you will get to the next
        what do you think?


          Dont know if that had anything to do with the question. But u have a point in saying that the meta-game shifts between rankings.


            If you can maintain a MMR above 5.3, I'd think you're pretty good.


              i think it lies around 4,5k... though there are a lot around that mmr that still cant play :P


                "But then again, decent is something very subjective, whats decent in the eyes of professional player might differ from a casual 2,5k player."

                pretty much summed it up!


                  It sucks though because all it takes is one member of your team to die a few times and the game is thrown. I can have games where I can go 16-0-12 but my solo MMR can't get above 3k. It really drives me crazy. :(

                  SWAG DRAGON

                    normal skill


                      I personally have "decent" games & i'm 3.6k. Below 3k games are horrible for me (when I stack with low mmr friends I play in Normal skill & it's beyond horrible). Main reason - horrible picks, stupid lanes & no supporting for whole game. At 3.5k people actually know what to pick & that we actually need a support...Also trilanes are pretty common, below 3k u always get dual lanes & if u play a carry who needs a baby sit & enemy goes sth like Axe + dazzle game is pretty much lost. Probably the easiest way to win below 3k is to pick strong dual offlane & crash enemy's carry.

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                        ^Lol word I feel the same way. For me it's like this magic line below 3500 where if you cross down below that rating, it's like a whole different game. 3500+ people at least vaguely understand meta/trends/roles/gimmicks, anything below it's just a mystery each game what's gona happen. Fun in its own way


                          as benao said, a lot of players around that rating can't play at all, just like him. but there are a few players who are decent.

                          Miku Plays

                            500 mmr seems a fun bracket


                              What other people consider decent doesn´t matter.

                              It´s about what you consider decent, and what your goal is. You´ll never be accepted by other players (in mass, majority of players, globally, everyone).

                              If your goal is to be decent, then you need to play to your goal, to achieve it.

                              Currently I´m 5200, and I don´t consider this decent. I wanna get 5500+, and then I can consider myself decent. However, I won´t consider myself good until/if I eventually reach 6k+.

                              Decent might be 3000 for you, or 4000.


                                dd, just a quick heads up. you're complete trash garbage and nowhere even close to being decent.


                                  ^ loser post


                                    Oh what is that, a new account feeding as a brood in the very first game? Oh no!




                                        I used to think 5200 was good because you just need that for top 200. Now it is 5580. Soon, it may be 5700, 6000, etc.
                                        Seems like grinding is a must for high MMR.

                                        I think solo 5000 is decent, 5500 is great, 6000 is amazing, 6500 is unbelievable, and 7000 is just god.


                                          ^ yeah for murica
                                          eu 5k is pretty shit

                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            MMR =/= skill. Seriously, people should just get away from this thought. It's just a number that shows how much you win games, but you don't win all your games because you are good. I know people who got to 6k by getting carried every game.


                                              5k is trash or maybe i just play with 9 acc buyer everygame idk
                                              and yeah mmr doesnt mean shit, ik pro gamer who are still 5k - and complete garbage who are 6k+ p;p
                                              in my opinion there is mb 1k good players and rest are bad, no matter the mmr

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                                              Dire Wolf

                                                "MMR =/= skill. Seriously, people should just get away from this thought. It's just a number that shows how much you win games, but you don't win all your games because you are good. I know people who got to 6k by getting carried every game."

                                                I mean it's all relative. Which is the point of mmr, to match you up with people relatively as good as you so your matches are better quality (less stomps either way).

                                                But there is no magic number where you are decent at dota. You can lock in on one hero and play only one guy exclusively and hit high mmr but still be bad at dota cus you have no idea how anything else works. Like you can play void every game and just farm then spam ult and still be shitty in general with positioning and combos and other stuff.

                                                Low Expectations

                                                  2k is where games start getting difficult


                                                    Avg is around 3k

                                                    Sup m8

                                                      Im 3.2k and i thought I was decent. Brb gona go cry in a corner.

                                                      "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                                        I think 3.3k and above is at least DECENT at dota. Good and Great or skilled are different, but to just be decent isnt too hard.

                                                        Luis Ponzi

                                                          I have another acc, and play 3200-3500 mmr is decent, always can found a retard, but above 3500 you can found 3-4 retard for game, yeah, in 3500-4000 increases the retards :/, and this shit continue to 4200k, above 4200 you can recover the hope in the humanity

                                                          Abstract; 4200k is decent, is uncommon found an idiot or techies.


                                                            I think differentiating toxic players and bad players is important. it's hard to give an objective answer to this question.
                                                            But confusing a player that has a bad day, or isn't in the mood for cooperating with a player that isnt decent is wrong.
                                                            At 5k people have to be decent, im atm playin at 5,6k mmr and theres always douchebags, sometimes its even me.
                                                            Point is they had to be decent to even get to that mmr. Either way, i dont think theres a good answer.

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                                                              "Decent" is subjective. There is no answer to this question.


                                                                Imo i call a player decent or good depending on how he preform at his worst id prefer a team mate who preform 8/10 at his worst and 9/10 at his best on a guy who play 6/10 at his worst and 10/10 at his best

                                                                Thats my idea about good player how good do u preform at ur worst and how constant r u

                                                                Sry bad english

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                                                                Bad Intentions

                                                                  3 kda + is decent


                                                                    5k means ur not an utter trash, you should be alright at that point though thats not always true