General Discussion

General DiscussionSuggestion: New Match Making System

Suggestion: New Match Making System in General Discussion

    FIRST, My suggestion may have a lot of flaws since I am not an individual who works for Valve, nor any Dota 2 company. So, just keep this in mind that this is only a Suggestion

    BEFORE QUEING, the player has the chance to choose what they prefer playing- whether a support, offlaner, mid, or a carry. Then, the matchmaking system takes that and matches players so that everyone on the team has perfect/prefered ratio of roles that a team needs to sustain themselves. Now, since majority of the players want mid/carry role, (position #1, #2) they will gain additional que time since everyone wants to play them. For support players, they will be rewarded with less que time since less poeple are willing to support (especally in solo que!) This will let everyone (especially beginners) play every role and be more familiar to Dota 2.

    Thanks for Reading :)


      Naga stole my bike for President


        Dat Smurf account :P


          Can I say I will play support, pick Naga then go hard carry?




              and all 5k players that mostly play core heroes will wait 30 mins in queue..

              NO by me..

              Linda | DotaExchange

                Kinda good for up to 5k but after that, as fyyq said, you gonna wait a lot.

                And make it like, if you select suport, you can only pick suport heroes, not to chose from all of them.


                  You'd still win only 50% of the games, I don't see the improvement. It's not like if you pick timber you can't play him anywhere else except offlane.