General Discussion

General DiscussionShould I blame my team or do I just suck?

Should I blame my team or do I just suck? in General Discussion

    Yes one of those topics. It would be great if you would watch the replay, but if you don't tell me the best ways not to see so much red on my dotabuff! I want to be in high skill matches not some trash player


      Welcome to my life man I know exactly how you feel. It wasn't you it was your team's "choices".


        watched 8 minutes. But I want to preface this by saying I am not an invoker player (only like 15 games?) but I don't think you pressured the NS enough. He was just sitting comfortably in lane getting what cs he could. I believe youre first forge summon was bad because you wasted like 8 seconds just walking it back since there were no creeps.

        You can control runes with invoker easy by sending forge to 1 and the hero to the other. That invis rune gank really hurt (you even had vision of him picking up invis!!!!)

        Im not sure about this but leveling up invoke at 2 and exort at 3 means you can just zone NS out easy, however this delays forge so idk.

        Also, when you tp back, summon your forge spirits since you get the mana back anyway. At this point you kept all your balls on quas even on full hp. Leveling up wex this early is pretty pointless imo.

        You ping the ns going top and youre team ignores this and dies anyway. I think you should have tped either earlier or not tped at all and just pushed tower with forge. Having ice wall this early seems weak and cold snap+forge would have gotten you at least a kill on the NS there and maybe the jug.

        In general, just work on mechanical things like csing, controlling runes, and just getting most out of the lane and you should be fine!


          your KDA's are terrible so you are bad and need to improve.
          play top tier carries (wraith king, razor etc) for like 6 months and ull improve significantly.


            Thanks for the insight on my match! I really love someone that actually watches the match. You should have seen when disruptor glimpsed the enemy out of Chronoshpere though. I need to put that shit on fails on the week. + I meant to invoke spirits again or something not icewall that was not intentional Edit: ^^ and Dije that's not helping AT ALL

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              U SUCK I PUNCH YOUR SACK


                Obviously blame your team... you did what you could... your team was noob....

                My xample>
       < this match i was gonna kill myself

                And then idiots say that never blame your team .. blame your self? wtf?


                  Everyone can improve man, even the pros. Don't get down and keep trying!
                  For example, i went from a support game to a carry game in solo MMR.

                  That is my support solo MMR game and we won but barely. I constantly told everyone to keep their spirits up and push together and be smart.
                  This was my mid DP game. I believe I played well but sadly we didn't have enough against an anti-mage and necrophos.

                  Don't give up!!!

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                    until you reach the point where you played mechanically perfectly, joining every engage you should have had, missing 0 last hits, getting the absolute most amount of farm mechanically possible and still lose, it is never meaningful to blame your team

                    the question is always this: if a better player was on my hero, could he have won the game?

                    And the question is almost always yes, unless you're a 7k player with 4 4k teammates and the enemy trilane mid against you or something but those people aren't the ones complaining.


                      Zenoth, u play in sea, can i add u pls..
                      OT, be calm dude, use mute


                        Zenoth - some games are unwinnable even in lower brackets. I bet u would lose some games in 3k mmr, even though u're far superior than enemies. You can't do much if u have shitty draft & get crashed in safe lane, coz no supporting & bad lanes, enemy has like 5k gold advantage 10min in the game & ur mid is useless hero like Pudge who feeds. Of course it's pretty rare & u would probably win 90-95% of games in 3k bracket.

                        Example of unwinnable game :


                        Aggro tri by them -> techies, axe, tusk. I was only with Lion. They dived me constantly under tower (snowball into suicide). My mid SF went Blink first (even before brown boots) & was totally useless. He even tried to gank bot with this retarded build...Enigma had like 14min Mek. There was no space on the map for me to farm, coz of techies bombs, 2blinks & snowball. This draft was pure greed & they took advantage of it.

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                          if you were good you would have a lot of lasthits and way more exp than enemies, especially considering their shit heroes. It's impossible to die as pa under a tower too. It's even better if they snowball into you because that's free 3 kills everytime they snowball.



                            is the answers to everything, to everyone, unless som1 feed on purpose

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                              PerfectJar - what ?! How can I survive snowball into call into suicide ? Last hitting with dagger is not enough & how do u want to farm when ur whole jungle is with mines & u have 0 vision on map & there is a possibility of blink/call, snowball/suicide etc. Way more exp ? They dual laned for most of the time & lion wasn't pulling (probably even if he tried he woudn't be able vs them), he just stood & sap xp doing nothing. If I was solo there it would be a diffrent story, but I was in weak dual lane with support who did nothing. Techies only planted mines in our jungle & come when his suicide was on cd to do gay snowball-suicide combo. You're just theorycrafting, u haven't seen the game.


                                ^ you can just ask lion to go top (with doom i guess) and own slark or whoever was solo, while you would be getting your xp and casual farm with dagger.
                                you can also buy sentry to check for mines, if supports don't buy it doesn't mean you can't.
                                man why you have to be so stubborn, 3.6k is not mmr hell, and you can win games, just TRY, DON'T flame and you will reach 4k in no time...


                                  Slim - bro, no one complains here. Where did I use word "mmr hell" ? I know I can win 90% of games below 4k if i'm good enough. I'm just saying there are unwinnable games. I don't like this false attitude that u can win every game below 4k (which is not true). You don't need to win 100% of games to climb & games like that I posted is super rare (probably 1 out of 100 recent games I had). As I said - I watched replay, coudn't find any major mistake, so I gave it to my 5.5k friend & he said that I coudn't do much more to win. Maybe roaming PA was a slight chance there, but it's pretty hard to gank heroes they had (Slark, Potm).


                                    dendi could lose 1 game in 3k just as you could win 1 game in 6k.
                                    but any 3k mmr game is winnable, because the enemy does a lot of mistakes, on which you could capitalize and win.
                                    i mean slark safelane got vanuguard, isn't that alone a huge mistake?


                                      Slim - I think that his Vanguard wasn't a bad item in that particular game, even though it's a bad item in general on him. They had early game line-up & vanguard is a good item when u want to fight & finish early on. How is Vanguard putting him at disadvantage ? Enemy made zilion of mistakes, but I can't play my allies heroes to exploit them. That game was in Normal Skill bracket (unranked), so probably there were a lot of 2.5k mmr players. My hero was shut down pretty hard, so I coudn't made the impact to carry that game. PA doesn't have a potential to outplay like TA, Puck, nor does she has fast farming tools to comeback from disadvantage.


                                        "you haven't seen the game"
                                        I had to look at the dotabuff game link you posted and I already know more than you can say about what actually matters. Kids can't be more insightful than Carlsen in chess even if they try to. You're the kid here.

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                                        MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                          why cant u blink strike when the snowballs about to hit its not hard

                                          MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                            out of all the carries to get bad support in safe lane, pa's one of the best to deal with it


                                              PerfectJar - I'm far from being kid (26y old) & seriously in such age I know when I fuck up. I even gave this replay to 5.5k player who I bet is better than u, because I felt hopeless after that game & wanted to know how 5.5k player would behave in such scenario. Dotabuff scoreboard doesn't show everything. If u believe it shows ur the kid here.

                                              Ayumilove - not when creeps are near u & ur support. Where do u want to blink out ? They pushed the lane constantly towards my tower & where constantly agressive. We had no counter push besides Lion's Q, which is kinda meh.

                                              Seriously I think some people think I'm QQing, when I'm just saying some games are unwinnable. Sr, but I'm not a kid to cry on forum how hard games I get & how retarded allies. Also I don't believe in ELO Hell. I just find stupid to say that when game is under 4k it's always winnable, because it's pure bullshit.


                                                Did you not understand the context of calling you a kid? Holy fuck, do you have down syndrome or something? There's nothing else to read past the first sentence. If you really have downs syndrome there's nothing to argue about.
                                                And oh wow you gave a replay to some random 5.5k trash, as if that means anything. Especially YOUR implications about him being good or anything.


                                                  U dearly needed ur bkb rather than a linkens


                                                    delete yourself op


                                                      games: 1000
                                                      average winrate: 50%
                                                      skill bracket : normal
                                                      average kda: 2.40

                                                      your team is so bad man thats it


                                                        Seems preety balanced game to me. You, as Invoker, Didnt do your job well.


                                                          PerfectJar - he is pretty known in community, he is not a random trash who bought account. He created the best guide on how to play mid, approved by EE, Bulba & many other pro players, but of course ur a better player than him & did more for community...Now I have no doubt u're just a frustrated kid, who wants to show to the world his e-penis.


                                                            Blaming others is often an excuse for why you lost. Although it is justifiable, blaming does not help you in any positive manner. I blame losses on team too, but it is important to get over it within a minute.

                                                            Most importantly, know your own mistakes.


                                                              Ayyy lmao, you're talking about chaq.
                                                              Now ctrl+f Jar.
                                                              Mongoloid little trash imprecis you're so fucking delusional

                                                              Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                                                "Should I blame my team or do I just suck?"

                                                                I will play Aui now and ask you, what have you done in order to make the game easier for your team mates?

                                                                Village Whore

                                                                  its RANK 2 on OD, sign my TITS and my baby's forehead


                                                                    if u think u couldnt win becuz of bad team mates or bcuz of u having a hard lane and bad supports i have an example of a game at 4.9k with pa also

                                                                    Pa safe lane where i thpught abadon and es will support me , abaddon chose to go offlane with clock , es left me at min 3 as far as i remember and i was left against slark where i died twice(got ganked)? Im not sure axe asked for mid and till min like 15 he did nothing for the team , no ganks no nothing not even calling miss , i had not only slark but void too against me who went for mkb , still i made it to farm extremely well and being the mvp where i played over my best to come back and win a game that im sure ur 5.5k friend wouldve said its unwinnable , all my frnds went wtf how u won that , slark and dp were snowballing void was having huge space , u can see the game


                                                                      i really wish people would stop thinking they're any good at all at this game if you play 3000 matches and are still normal skill


                                                                        linkens weaver 2000 kills... - i'm 3.6k, normal skill because of stacking with low mmr friends & games were unranked. When i play solo unranked it's pretty random - normal or high. Also I'm pretty sure I could hit 4k easily just spamming TA/Slark/Necro, but for now I've stopped playing ranked & I want to learn new stuff for now. Nice smurf spam Necrophos & Axe. Such a high skill cap heroes...Pls don't talk about skill if u just pick those 2 as much as u do.

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                                                                        Tiny Airlines

                                                                          Last match I did my idiot Lich kept saying "Stay at base wait for them" and other shit like that. WHY do people think turtling is a good idea in Dota 2? It doesn't fucking work for me.


                                                                            im 5k ur 3k

                                                                            im sure i could hit 6k just as much as you could hit 4k

                                                                            stacking with low mmr friends affects ur party mmr not ur solo mmr, 3.6k is high skill u dumbass. <3k = normal

                                                                            nice kdas on all of ur top heros rofl

                                                                            ur a bad player dont try and call the guy whos trying to help you that hes wrong because that just shows ur in denial. luckily for you theres probably another 10,000 idiots who, like you, think they're a lot better than they actually are, which is 3k trash

                                                                            so im sorry actually you're not 3k you're 2k