General Discussion

General DiscussionFurion midas timing

Furion midas timing in General Discussion

    Am i bad or is it impossible to farm a midas under 7 minutes like it was before? Maybe it's because i changed my build, but i distinctly remember being able to farm a midas by 5:30 if i bought a gloves of haste. Now i start with a basi and it takes me 7 minutes.


      Totally possible, but people forget to micro their trees when jungling to make sure to get the most time out of them. Start with a null instead of the basi and see if that helps.

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        Jungle farm is insanely slow for anyone other than Enigma or a well played Axe/Batrider. Also it can be because of spawns, satyrs are great but ogres are terrible for example.


          I imagine that it's not a quick as it used to be about a year ago or so. Some of the most recent major patches have made jungle creeps harder to kill and worth less.


            jungle monsters are giving less gold

            but it is possible if you farm non-stop and pick bounty runes


              When I play Furion I never get Midas later than 6min, and that's due to ganks.

              You don't go to Jungle doing greedy shit expecting your team winning the game solo. Like buying Hand of Speed first item to "rush" midas.

              You help out with ganks, and jungle in downtime/when theres not time to gank cause of game progress or your mana issues.

              Keywords while jungling:


                dd senpai please notice me

                isn't phase boots/power treads better if you're full time ganking? That extra damage/ms/as


                  Yeah yeah i know going for greedy shit is bad on him, and not helping is even worse.
                  I help out a lot when i play furion. My question is, is it possible to get midas without going for greedy shit like a gloves of haste under normal circumstances (like no first blood or some shit).


                    5-6 minute is still possible


                      sATTIE :rage: :haste: :<3:

                      Neither of those are needed (neccesarely, how the fuck u type that :rage:).
                      Problem is if enemy has Ogre or some OP tanky shit that counterganks you, you might be in trouible.

                      You just wait for right opportunity, teleport in and rightclick. Basically:

                      Teleport in behind enemy lines or wherever they dont notice you,

                      summon trees,

                      order your hero to rightclick enemy

                      micro trees to block



                        what's your skill build?

                        1/1/4/1 by lvl 7 or 1/2/3/1?

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          I like 1/2/3/1, sometimes even 1/3/2/1 because if you aren't jungling that much you won't need extra treants as 3 are enough for scouting, blocking and other shit.

                          Sugar Show

                            Exactly 6:00 farming non-stop using gloves+3clarities ,7~9 if you choose help random teammate and got 0 kills or get killed while farming.