General Discussion

General DiscussionThe EW invoker build..seriously..[vent thread]

The EW invoker build..seriously..[vent thread] in General Discussion
I fucked john

    Its been years guys. Years. Not even kidding. Before you say ooh but you are a smurf (main just got a 24 hour mute, so here I am), please note that this is a VH level game so there are others in the game that would probably be annoyed as well.

    Like I said, its been years since I have seen this build, but just then I witnessed the almighty EW invoker build..honestly I can't even remember the last time I saw that, must have been back in BA in the good old "apem pros only" games. I was actually pretty excited at first because I was picking up a few kills @top and I thought that invoker was playing QW (his first 2 points were in QW), but nope..

    So how has this come about? Because he stacked with someone else, so we had a normal bracket player go mid, who proceeded to do nothing of value the entire game.

    There are only 2 ways to combat crap like this, either have a solo match making option OR display MMR before games. If they are so confident with their match making system, then people should not be upset by other people's MMR in their own games. But the best thing about this sort of thing is that if there is a significant gap in MMR, then at least you can acknowledge that and take it into account during the pick stage. A 2k player playing as a core in a I don't know, 4k-4.5k(??) game is just insane. 3.5k hero damage, thanks mate..

    I think the worst thing about all this was the fact that he had played fucking 83 games with the hero

    and then the next game:

    I have no idea how this could be classified as VH..enchantress was a fucking moron, only ganked once after i called her multiple times, and throughout the game never tried to help. Techies was also an idiot, how you can be level 9 in a 52 minute game is mind boggling. Silencer did his best and was warding a ton, and juggernaut had a super rough time mid at viper, but still managed some nice pick offs.

    how is it possible for people to be this bad after so many games? I'm not saying that people shouldn't make mistakes, they happen. I've made plenty, and I don't expect to win every game either. But at VH, which I'll admit isn't anything special at all, you would at least think that people would have the right ideas, even if they lack the execution, but..


      Ur a smurf dont expect anything decent before 50 games + when u smurf u get smurfs in ur games(mean right?) I made a smurf calibrated 4.6k and still got alot of smyrfs who overcalibrated and got mad left the acc when u smurf u expect to get alot of smurfs and getting vh in a new acc is extremly ez any 2k-2.5k+ will get vh in there first 10 games just rape ur first 3 games against new players who r 500-1k mmr and u will get to vh so vh in a smurf is not interresting and u cant blame volvo for putting smurfs with smurfs

      I fucked john

        the guy has almost 800 games and is quite clearly a normal bracket player..


          @dirty fire

          thats not how it works

          if you're better than the mmr ceiling (on us west/east, its 4k ish) then theres no difference between your 5th and 50th and 500th game, because valve doesnt have anyone else thats playing unranked that they can match you with

          here's my 5th match:

          tusk is 2.7k games
          sky 1.7k games
          sven 1.9k games
          storm 1.2k games
          medusa 3k games
          venge 1.6k games

          this was 3 and a half weeks ago so its probably ~50 games higher than it was at the time, but still, im a guy with 5 matches.

          Este comentário foi editado

            i dont understand