General Discussion

General DiscussionSo, now that PA has temporally surpassed Pudge as the most played her...

So, now that PA has temporally surpassed Pudge as the most played hero... in General Discussion

    Although via a pointless item grinding event...
    Who do you guys think will be the next hero to pull off that feat? Void when he finally gets his remodel? Because I'm almost expecting Valve to crank up another event with him involved.
    Discuss your theories and fantasies.

    Also, Happy Birthday to me! Someone carry me please :<

    Dire Wolf

      Sniper is always real close. I think if they noticeably buffed him or gave him an arcana he'd surpass pudge.

      Jug and invoker could easily as well.


        Treant Protector is duh best


          a Crystal Maiden buff for the winter will make her an amazing carry, with Freezing Field becoming a global ult and channel time switched to 1 minute.


            ^And disable Nyx spike carapace for that time, please.


              how come, no body first pick sniper in ALL games I have played lol lol lol


                Hey man, Sniper is clearly your worst hero. 100% winrate with every hero that isn't Sniper, kappa.


                  Since nobody said it :P Happy Birthday :D


                    Thanks how did you know it was my birthday

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      Any hero who won the arcana vote would probably surpass Pudge.


                        Happy birthday ^^