General Discussion

General Discussionmy one and only request

my one and only request in General Discussion

    stop fucking jungling


      i dont :'(


        Lanes are scary and 90% of dota players have no balls.


          ????russians have bigger balls than everyone here put together

          i might be mistaking balls for a lack of brain power but honestly its not hard to dual lane instead of going jungle midas shadowblade BoT aghs doom and then dooming creeps and spirit bears.

          or am i missing something here

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              What I meant to say is that a lot of players prefer peacefully killing creeps in the jungle rather than compete against other players in a lane, which more often than not results in people picking passive junglers, even though the enemy lineup should highly disencourage them to do so.

              Also, balls =/= tower diving like idiots

              EDIT: And in case I wasn't clear, I hate passive junglers as well.

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                i jungle all tiem with all heroes

                jungle is love jungle is life


                  It's a forest anyway...


                    k i just returned the favor that felt so good

                    im just gonna keep afk midas dooming and ruining games for people so they stop doing it

                    easy education


                      Hey Sand King (Axe, Batrider) stop jungling! Your hero is fine without Blink Dagger!


                      Linda | DotaExchange

                        It's woods , not forest, god damn it.


                          hey soultrap did it ever occur to you that those heros can actually be useful at early levels (sand king at lvl 1 axe at level 3-4)

                          surprisingly axe gets guaranteed kills on sidelanes at level 3-4

                          and sand king is a shitty jungle hero at level 1 because he cant clear anything with level 1 sandstorm, better off roaming/laning and stacking when u have the opportunity to then clearing the stack at lvl 3

                          im mainly pointing this at the autists who pick heros and afk jungle (ursa or doom or whatever it is) its not so much as blink dagger playmakers but if ur afk jungling on any hero ur doing something wrong

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                            lv 1 sandstorm can clear one of the small camps (the poison sting 1) and still be in time to stack the large camp


                              So i can continue to woods, ty mate

                              (as far as i know forest and woods are same anyway -at least their translating in french are-)

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                              kanye went to uni

                                once i had a doom called 'Shit team every game' PvE a 10 minute midas with no boots - when he first came out of the jungle and used doom it was already lvl 2 doom - then he built a shadowblade and flamed team for feeding

                                you think you got it bad buddy? you don't even know how lucky you are :p


                                  ^ thats exactly what i have in 60-70% of my losses

                                  why cant i just get a matrice terrorblade for a change

                                  and grom sure but you're sacrificing really good roaming potential (if your safelane has kill potential)

                                  if ur safelane is going to lose regardless i guess its fine

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                                    Some people just don't know how to jungle well or use the farm they get efficiently.


                                      The problem is that people pick stupid junglers or jungling is generally bad for team composition.


                                        The only stupid jungler is ogre if you know what I mean

                                        Miku Plays

                                          jungle is so ez katka... jungle is the easiest way to farm blink dagga


                                            ^ takes a lot longer time though


                                              Its called jungle because people jungling are usually apes running back to their natural habitat.


                                                lol nice loss streak noob op

                                                Fuyumi Ai Best Waifu

                                                  jungle so fun, i won games because i went jungle nature


                                                    Jungle blink dagger takes time if you have downs really bad #kappa

                                                    VIVA LA CATOLUTION

                                                      bloodstone axe, nuff said


                                                        Axe has 76% winrate with Bloodstone yo!

                                                        Anyway, considering Radiant's items and times when they were could safely say they were super crushed and Axe could have gone for a second Radiance and the result would have been the same.