General Discussion

General Discussionwhy pick sniper

why pick sniper in General Discussion

    so much fun !

    snip snip snip !

    lol lol lol !




        Because Sniper is good support.
        But I'm not sure about correct itembuild for this hero. Probably Soul Ring and Arcane Boots into something like this.


          get soul ring and tp simple lol
          you must place ward wisely, not dumb lol


            He is the hero in tutorial.
            And some people just like dwarfs and guns.

            Flat is Justice!

              only reason to pick sniper -> best enemy troller

              watch as they try to reach you, only to die at your feet unable to run away

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              Dire Wolf

                cus he's good in pubs

                Don't Ban SF

                  sniper & riki are for coward noobs -_-


                    I dont get the hate on sniper. He needs a ton of farm and is easy to kill.
                    Actually having an impact on him in a decent skilled game is rather hard.
                    Despite all that though I really enjoy him because he is so focussed around positioning.


                      sniper the most dumbest shitty fucking hero in dota 2. icefraud delete pls.

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        ^^ They hate snipers because people who pick him have no idea to play him and just end up feeding all game long.


                          mom blink all day


                            Fuck I'm on pick screen and just saw this thread. :(


                              sniper can carry
                              sniper can roam
                              sniper can support

                              sniper is the best hero lol lol lol

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                                "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                  Its good for people that cant use spells. Hit more than R is tough for some, so people like sniper and PA are great