General Discussion

General Discussionto all the 4ks out there

to all the 4ks out there in General Discussion

    -stop flaming
    -stop pretending like your farm is important, its not
    -on that note stop picking carries and being useless
    -be nice

    El Pollo Diablo

      1. make smurf
      2. complain about bad players
      3. look stupid


        ok cool cool


          o well least i tried

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            >-on that note stop picking carries and being useless

            >Sven Sven 17 days ago 4 25.00% 2.96
            >Morphling Morphling a day ago 4 25.00% 2.77



              having a kda near 3 in losses isnt exactly useless
              should probably go back and check the matches urself

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       won mid team fed the offlane retardedly, cm fed after warlock fed the omni a bunch

                half of my sven games were support sven games because ppl pick 5 carries after i pick sven for whatever reason, i also play mid sven not safelane

       more hero damage than the rest of my team combined

                just looked and found the latest for each so say what u want i guess


                  and you are.... ?


                    he is someone who is going to calibrate no higher then 4.6k.


                      ohhh okkkk ^ 4.6k?

                      i say 4.3 max


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                        thats funny i calibrated to 4.9 and went to 5.6 a week after last time i wonder if that'll change the betting line

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                          ^ that is pretty funny.


                            it is isnt it

                            Village Whore

                              Ex is preaching to the wrong crowd, here at dotabuff we are all offlaners and support players who dedicate ourselves to nurturing and caring for you as you carry us to ti5



                                zZzZZz , who is him?



                                  hes kitrak i t hink whose 5k

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                                    so if a player is 4800-4900 and you barely reached 5k after like 3000th smurf attempt, you have the right to talk?
                                    f@ggots like you ruin my games, go play league.


                                      Good job on smurf ex.. The rest of the people are just jealous f4gg0ts


                                        um pretty sure hes not even close to your bracket how does he ruin ur games pls explain


                                          ^you say "your bracket" pretending to know my mmr?
                                          if you wanna put to argument my stacked games with friends in normal matchmaking then yeah i guess my normal matches are pretty low.
                                          i played with people who are barely 5k mmr and scream at people for being bad 4ks...


                                            i dont know your mmr but its obvious its way below 5k.
                                            4ks ruin 5k games i dont even get what you are trying to say here

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                                              im trying to say that a guy with 5005 mmr flaming his 4k team when he is feeding on mid, is cool.
                                              nothing more.




                                                  @slim I love how your ranked MMR is probably around @4-5k and your unranked is @ normal skill :D


                                                    my 1st smurf attempt put me on the leaderboard whats ur point
                                                    this is my 2nd

                                                    i dont even get how this is remotely related anyway, im not trying to be an elitist, im telling the people who act like douches and suck at the same time to at least learn to play nice even if you're not good. its not really related to skill. most of them tend to be 4k hence why i said 4ks. its not restricted to that mmr range but its pretty much common knowledge that these people tend to be the scummiest and the worst to play with because they're neither good nor well mannered, if they were just one of those it wouldnt be a problem

                                                    is it so hard to just be nice and enjoy your games and not ruin it for others, still have no clue how this has anything to do with smurfing

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                                                      It's a wasted effort anyway. Douches can't read.


                                                        idk some of them do i think like half of them cite dendi or some pro player as a source for their info

                                                        maybe i should retitle this "dendis guide to winning pubs" and they'll listen


                                                          @spunki yeah my unraked is probably like 2k-3k mmr lol, i started with 2400 mmr i think :) i got like 2k on top of that.
                                                          @ex well ofcourse 4500 player will be noticeably worse than a 5500 player, but the thing is, in game he doesn't really know your mmr
                                                          so he talks to you like a regular retard, and he think he is doing his shit right and you do it wrong.
                                                          i stack with 2-3k mmr friends and i get flamed sometimes by guys with barely 3k mmr, and i really can't do anything about it, neither can you.


                                                            ^ he doesn't have to know anyone elses mmr, just his own. if hes not a really good player (i define that as 5k+, you can supply your own definition i guess) then he should have it in his head not to flame, regardless of anyone elses mmr - if they're 3k or 5k, just be nice and play your game. the main problem is that people cant see their own mistakes and are quick to jump on those of others, so yeah.


                                                              ^ well its like asking 90% of dota players not to flame.
                                                              an example: slahser (6200) goes urn on antimage first item, no bf or anything, regular scrub (4499) dies one time near antimage,
                                                              checks his items, sees urn, proceeds to type "gg wp, end fast" in all chat because he really thinks that a good player can't get urn on antimage.
                                                              people will always have opinions and some of them think that 1 way is the only way to do something right, and if x player doesn't do it that way they start to rage.
                                                              and about the smurf thing, if you can reach 5k, why bother making a new account?
                                                              when i had like 3600-3700 mmr i knew i belong in 4k+ and i just grinded games and well i don't think if i smurfed (lvl 13 thing) i would get it faster than 2 weeks.
                                                              just tell me 1 good reason to do it, rather than stomping some noobs the first 10-20 matches.

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                                                                Except urn on am is indeed hella stupid-


                                                                  @ mu-slim pls maek smurf :) join us pls


                                                                    @xan well you think its stupid, you would flame him, but he is higher mmr than you (well at least slightly) and he used this build many times and it worked well for him.


                                                                      first off the current smurf system puts me at the highest possible range in roughly 3-4 games i believe, meaning the games in my 3rd or 4th are same as now. also, you get put in 3k mmr at 1st game if you select the "ive played dota 2 before" option, and top of US server is like 4k so not much difference there either.

                                                                      i do it because i got bored of playing ranked and its sort of different on new account so yeah. also makes me focus a bit more if i want to, i cant do that on my other account for whatever reason. kudos to you for getting higher mmr.

                                                                      im not saying having an opinion is bad, im saying theres no reason to start flaming others when you yourself are making mistakes. in 5k i dont really care if people say somethings wrong because odds are at least they're not feeding or generally being useless, but if you're the one feeding, you shouldn't be flaming. that's all im really saying, don't play bad + flame your teammates at the same time, do one or the other (preferably neither), because i think the two things people like about dota are winning and having fun in the game itself, but if you're not aiding in both of those you're really not helping your team at all.

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                                                                        ^hah well i have to agree with that.


                                                                          @fykkerino, i would maek smurf but im lazy to get 13 level, cuz i only play ranked, but if i play normal its only with party and most likely for challenge or sets :)))


                                                                            That is a little rough. I calibrated at 4.9k and thought I couldn't get much higher. However, MMR isn't accurate with only 20 ranked matches. I'm 5.4k now after 80 ranked matches. If one has less than 100 ranked matches, your true MMR may be a lot higher.

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                                                                              yeah i mean its not really mmr-specific despite the title. its mostly just geared towards people who flame - if you're going to flame don't feed and if you're feeding don't flame, do neither but don't do both. 4k players tend to bring it out a lot more because they have huge egos which is why i said 4ks in the title, but its not specific to 4k players since theres some friendly 4ks and also some unfriendly <4k and >5ks but generally speaking they tend to flame only if they're winning or at least if they're not the reason they're losing

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